Doom 3 the Average DumbArse Review :)

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Doom 3 the Average DumbArse Review :)

Thoughts before i even got or played Doom 3.

Ive been reading lots of stuff about Doom 3 in the newsgroups some
good some bad about the game, but they do that with every game
released, some like it alot or hate it alot, not many people in the
middle group prob because they can't be bothered to post and say so :)

I expect it to be dark,scary and dark, going by the stuff i read, but
i have a Nice DiamondTron Monitor 22 inches well 20 real inches,
flatscreen with somthing called SuperBright and that hurts my eyes on
maxium, so dark wont be a problem.

Most people NO NOTHING about setting up their monitor right thats prob
way people are complaining thats its TO @**&@&@ DARK, and also their
are some SHIT monitors out their that wont be any good no matter what
you do :)

I expect the gameplay to be like Aliens V's Predator with nasty things
scaring the @*&*@&*@ out of me and me, pissing myself :0.

I see myself falling back and taking cover alot, and hopfully with the
surround sound and my 5.1 speakers hearing where they come from and if
anyone is behind me ???

I don't expect it to be like doom or doom 2, though i hope somone
makes some mods to do this as i would love that with the new graphics,
by then ill have my dual core 3ghz cpus and dual SLI PCIexpress vid
cards and ddr 3 memory 4 gigs should be enough.

The first Doom 3 experince 1 hour or so in !!!!

For your info, iam playing the game on Veteran.

Iam loving it, iam getting into the story ???, basic story yes well so
far, don't know the FULLLL story, so i can't comment on that.

But in genral i like the game, running though the levels getting
scared SHITless as imps jump me.

Verdict, Final Score ECT.


I liked the graphics, nothing spectucular i was expecting though,
maybe in the later levels being talking about the hell levels seem to
think they are great just got to get their :)

Though i only have a Radeon 9600 Pro, so iam only playing on 1024by768
with all the eye candy options on, in the menu.

And even with my 9600 Pro iam getting 60fps ??, i could prob get
higher, why did they limt it ?, not that it matters when the battles
heat up my FPS go bellow 20fps, though still very playable, which i
suppose is a good thing.

People are going on about the graphics being dark and it is, but on my
monitor it was perfect ?, some areas i needed the flashlight, but that
was cool as i did not know what was in the shadows, and if i though it
was a decent ambush area, i would just lob a greande in their to see
:), so i think some or most people have SHIT monitors or playing them
on LCD monitors and most of them are CRAP for gaming and are not very
bright, so its the DumbArse monitor buyers out their that are
complaining about the brightness, my doom 3 darkess was perfect.

On some of the levels it was TOTALY dark, i was getting escorted out
of this area by a guy with a Lantern, he got shafted, i was supposed
to be protecting him :(, that relationship did not work out :(, anyway
it went totaly DARK, i mean PITCH dark, that was fun, lucky the imps
lighted it up with the fire balls, so i could waste them, nice of them
was it not :).


Did not hear anything to make the game stand out, but decent sound
effects and plenty of sounds to warning you of imps and any other
baddies coming up, like that helps any.

I heard that THEY TOOK MY BABY ???, this Carmack is a SICK PUPPY or is
he Australian and owns a dingo ?

Surround sound ??? where ??, ive got 5.1 speakers and if this game has
surround sound iam not getting it so it must be my fault, iam getting
pounded by a guy behind me and i HAVE NOOOOOOOOO IDEA :), untill i die
of course and i see him as my life bleeds away ?

Weapons sounds seem ok, though not have my Personal weapons ollection
the real sound is unknown to me, so if they go bang iam happy :)


Well gamplay seems ok, but they could have made the corridors A LITTLE
wider, no room to move arround and dodge fire ???.

Their is NO WAY IN HELL you can play this game in Veteran and not save
as the baddies just spawn from everywhere, if you try to run foward
MORE SPAWN, falling back is the only way, and only if a door is not
locked behind you and even them they might spawn where you want to
fall back AHHHHHHHHH, you have to save, unless your a DOOm 3 god :)

A few areas in the alpha labs where you just get POUNDED, your just
firing and firing and firing and they just keep coming and your stuck
in a tiny room ?, no where to go, your firing they just keep coming,
you realy need lots of armour to survive if not GOD mode is needed.

I don't mind the PDA inclusion, makes you use your brain alittle,
though you don't realy need to read anything or listen to anything AT
ALL, adds to the atmosphere though, so anything to add somthing to the
game is good becuase its lacking in most areas, well for new things,
its all been done and Doom 3 does not do anthing much better than any
other game.


Music its either good or bad, depends on your taste in the sonic stuff
:), i like the music.

Overal ???????????????

Doom 3 is a decent game, as long as you have not played Farcry :), as
its not realy different, if i did not play Farcry i would be enjoying
Doom 3 ALOT more.

Iam pretty bored with Doom 3 at the momment, and iam still at the
Alpha Labs, level 4 our somthing, if the Delta labs are as big iam not
sure if ill bother :(

Iam not scared anymore with the monsters, just go Ho Hum, blast blast
NEXT :(, actually i SAY BRING EM US BASTARDS, and have my shot gun
ready and BLAST EM, i think i like killing alittle too much now :p

For a game it's a good game, you will enjoy it, just play it a few
hours at a time, go for a walk or somthing, have sex, jack off, read a
magazine, then come back to it, just to let you think about the game,
and how your going to play it and ect ect, time to think and you might
not get bored when you come back to play it.

My 2 cents, over and out.

Add your own comments please :)

Add your own comments please :)

When you posted your rant in it was at least more appropriate
than in here.

( Doom 3 is a decent game, as long as you have not played Farcry :), as
its not realy different, if i did not play Farcry i would be enjoying
Doom 3 ALOT more.)

i was just thinking the same thing. it would have been a better game had i
not played far cry.
over all it's a fun game but after you beat it its like oh well a nother
game to add to the pile and ill never play it again.

it was a littel to dark for my taste. "can be fixed with adding gama to
monitor settings but then the grafics realy show that they are not that much
better than Far Cry's if at all"
sound was crap it dont like my sb audigy 2 zs so i cant use 5:1 sound. "well
you can but its a pain to keep resting sound"
Graphics were good but so are the Graphics in far cry. "i would have to say
i like far cry better, Doom 3 is dark for a a reason its to hide the
Graphics when you turn off shadows and lighten up the game some with gama
you can tell they are not what i was expecting out of Doom 3.

over all i liked doom 3.
OCZ Guy said:
Most people NO NOTHING about setting up their monitor right thats prob
way people are complaining thats its TO @**&@&@ DARK, and also their
are some SHIT monitors out their that wont be any good no matter what
you do :)
Hey dumbass,

You're posting in a ****ing newsgroup full of system builders.
You know I already replied in the doom3 forum OCZ

But I also add this here to adress ATI

In case you missed the tweak. Here it is in ZIP format.
It's some sort of hotfix for the pixel shader to be ATI radeon friendly.
It does some float operations better, improves speed as well as
framerate. It also fixes specular glitches (pixies along some axis).
The speed gain to be expected is around 18%
Just unzip in your doom folder and it'll create a glprog within the base
folder with the now famous interaction.vfp by Humus, now working
for ATI... So this is not gonna break anything.

r_gamma "1.4" is your friend !......USE IT !...

********* Complementary informations.**************
Looking around I found that Humus now works for ATI... CEWL !,
Good for him.

Here for the records Humus own explanations for the increased speed:
Chalnoth said:
Why would a single instruction on a 23-instruction shader make that much of a difference?

My theory is that it simply causes too much texture cache trashing. Remember that the specular component may vary a lot between
nearby pixels, so the access behavior will be quite erratic. Another thing could be that the number of texture accesses are so
high. There are seven different textures accessed in that shader. Now I don't have that much insight in how our hardware works,
maybe someone with more knowledge about that can fill me in. (sireric, where art thou? )
By the way, I tried it on my GeForce 6800, and could measure no performance difference. But, that doesn't mean much, as I'm pretty
heavily CPU-limited in the timedemo.

I was thinking that it wouldn't make much difference on nVidia, or perhaps be slower. I don't think Carmack just threw it in out of
pure habit, but he probably had a rational reason for it. I can see that it may not make much difference on a 6800, but I wouldn't
be surprised if the GF 5x00 series cards were much slower using math, they weren't that strong on floating point shaders as we all
know, so moving it to a texture lookup probably improved performance on that card, which I guess he used at the time he wrote that
Regardless, it looks like you're only exponentiating the x-component of the specular vector, while the LUT looks like it will
exponentiate >two components (2D texture lookup), so shouldn't you use 2 POW instructions?

No, both coordinates are the same as they are written by the DOT instruction. I would guess he has bound a Nx1 texture to that
Keanu said:
The speed gain to be expected is around 18%

The speed gain here was .5 FPS

No where NEAR 18%

It does supposedly perform better on the high end ati cards, but if you have
those, you probably don't need the hotfix...
Gareee© wrote in message said:
The speed gain here was .5 FPS

No where NEAR 18%

It does supposedly perform better on the high end ati cards, but if you have
those, you probably don't need the hotfix...
I have read someone else also complain the gain was marginal.
Maybe it has to do with every other game settings.
I'm 1024x768x16 HQ. Cat 4.9, default settings except for anisotropy 16x.

It's possible that at lower resolution the humus patch has less impact.
since it's 'pixel shader', lower resolution=less pixels, less impact.
I don't see much else.. Aside that cards prior to 9600 might not have
as much throughpower as 9800/X800... It must be quite related to
the vid card processor. I have no time to investigate.

You could try a few things on your own.
I wish I could explain or be of more help.