and anyone plays it knows it
and anyone plays it knows it
could you elaborate a little? I was thinking of picking a copy up, but I
still didn't play Call-Of-Duty or FarCry yetI think I am mainly
interested in the graphics. Are the graphics not good in Doom III?
I heard the gameplay was a bit naff, as in you don't have scope to move
about much and mainly you are forced down corridors?
GTD said:First, everything is REALLY dark. as a point of reference, if I go
into my CP and adjust the color tab's "full screen 3d" 3d settings so
it's just bright enough to not be annoying or hard on my eyes,
battlefield 1492 is WAY too bright to be able to see ANYTHING. You do
have a flashlight in the game, but you can't use it and any weapon at
the same time. Add to that that the effects of the flashlight suck, as
in there is no ambient light cast from it. It only illuminated exactly
what you are pointing it at, which is usually an area the diameter of
which is about 1/3 of the width of the screen.
Second, The maps are nearly 100% linear, narrow, and actually quite
ugly IMHO. Remember the origonal doom where you went around in a
number of rooms, until you found the key, which opened more rooms?
Well forget about it. If you come to a door that needs something to
access it, you can be quite sure it's nearby, or that you have it
already because you could not avoid missing it a few hallways back.
third, there does not seem to be much in the way of AI. Now I know
that this is not a strong point in many games, but this FEELS like the
AI of 1995's doom. It doesn't really matter though, because there is
virtually no room for any sort of tactics to be used if the enemies
DID have any sort of brains.
Weapons are basically the same only with updated graphics. The weapons
effects DO look cool, but the only weapons added to the origonal
doom's list of weapons are a machine gun, grenades, and some stupid
"soul cube", if you don't include your abailiy to swing the flashlight
(I sure don't consider it a weapon). The sound effects are decent, but
it's too little too late IMHO.
There's too much in this gamethat doesn't make sense and just makes it
a PIA. The idea of not being able to SEE something and SHOOT it at the
same tome throughout much of the game is a real drag to me. I mean,
you have some awesomly powerful weapon like the BFG9000, you're in
some high-tech sientific research center, but you don't have a roll of
duct-tape to strap the flashlight to your shotgun?
If you are expecting "In your Face" graphics, this is not the game you
want to invest in. FarCry has bright, beautiful environments,
basically the opposite or Doom, where it feels to me like I am
supposed to ASSUME the graphics are great because of how much in
hidden in darkness.
I complained about the graphics on usenet a week or so ago, and
someone replied with "Just wait until you get to the Hell level, then
you'll see how great they are", or something to that effect. Well, The
Hell levels are the last levels, and appear to only make up 10% or so
of the game (I cheated to get there, just to see what the big rave
was, The Hell levels also suck).
So, What I would do if I were in your position is DL the demo for
FarCry. This does two things: 1) Shows you how nice FarCry Looks. 2)
shows you what Doom3 is like: Basically if you play FarCry, only with
your monitor turned OFF, it's more or less what you'll see in Doom3.
There's too much in this gamethat doesn't make sense and just makes it
a PIA. The idea of not being able to SEE something and SHOOT it at the
same tome throughout much of the game is a real drag to me. I mean,
you have some awesomly powerful weapon like the BFG9000, you're in
some high-tech sientific research center, but you don't have a roll of
duct-tape to strap the flashlight to your shotgun?
FatDaddy said:and anyone plays it knows it
Just wanted to provide a counterexample of the widely-growing mantra
that Doom3 isn't merely dark but apparently you're blind the entire
game. Yes, the game has dark corridors where the designers wanted it
to be dark but there is plenty of combat in lit rooms as well.
Then don't read it. He asked for an opinion, I gave mine. With that inWhy not exaggerate a bit more?
Doom 3 has it's faults. The main one being that it is so, so linear. But I
am utterly sick to death of people comparing it to Farcry.
You're right. I see FarCry having nothing to do with Doom3 being aThey are two
completley different games trying to do completley different things. Farcry
is awesome and a far better game than Doom 3, but that does not mean Doom 3
is a crock of shit, something which some people seem determined to make
Well, you and I differ there apparently. I have yet to figure out howDoom 3 has entertained me a great deal, its amazing sound and graphics
force an atmosphere of quality fear I have rarely experienced in a game. I
doubt I will play the single player campaign of Doom 3 again when I have
finished it (and Im very near the end now), but the time I have spent
playing it has been well worth the effort and I will be happy to see what
fan made maps will come out.
I tried it, and it still seemed pretty lame IMO. Maybe I just haveAnd one other thing, to enjoy the game to it's full you HAVE to play it with
the lights off and the curtains closed, preferably at night.
Lit rooms? Where? 99% of the game is corridors that you barely have enough
room to turn around in.
Something is wrong with your setup.Noozer said:Lit rooms? Where? 99% of the game is corridors that you barely have enough
room to turn around in. In the few areas where you can actually move around
it isn't much brighter. So far the brightest area I can find is about as
bright as a basement with all the blinds closed.
And what is the point of this game... There is an Imp hiding under the
stairs in one section. I know he's there. No matter how much I shoot or what
weapon I use nothing happens. The Imp doesn't pop out in defence and he sees
no damage. What is the point if you can fire almost point blank at something
and there is no reaction or damage?
First, everything is REALLY dark. as a point of reference, if I go
into my CP and adjust the color tab's "full screen 3d" 3d settings so
it's just bright enough to not be annoying or hard on my eyes,
battlefield 1492 is WAY too bright to be able to see ANYTHING.
You do
have a flashlight in the game, but you can't use it and any weapon at
the same time. Add to that that the effects of the flashlight suck, as
in there is no ambient light cast from it. It only illuminated exactly
what you are pointing it at, which is usually an area the diameter of
which is about 1/3 of the width of the screen.
Second, The maps are nearly 100% linear, narrow, and actually quite
ugly IMHO. Remember the origonal doom where you went around in a
number of rooms, until you found the key, which opened more rooms?
Well forget about it. If you come to a door that needs something to
access it, you can be quite sure it's nearby, or that you have it
already because you could not avoid missing it a few hallways back.
third, there does not seem to be much in the way of AI. Now I know
that this is not a strong point in many games, but this FEELS like the
AI of 1995's doom. It doesn't really matter though, because there is
virtually no room for any sort of tactics to be used if the enemies
DID have any sort of brains.
Weapons are basically the same only with updated graphics. The weapons
effects DO look cool, but the only weapons added to the origonal
doom's list of weapons are a machine gun, grenades, and some stupid
"soul cube".
If you are expecting "In your Face" graphics, this is not the game you
want to invest in. FarCry has bright, beautiful environments,
basically the opposite or Doom, where it feels to me like I am
supposed to ASSUME the graphics are great because of how much in
hidden in darkness.
I complained about the graphics on usenet a week or so ago, and
someone replied with "Just wait until you get to the Hell level, then
you'll see how great they are", or something to that effect. Well, The
Hell levels are the last levels, and appear to only make up 10% or so
of the game (I cheated to get there, just to see what the big rave
was, The Hell levels also suck).
So, What I would do if I were in your position is DL the demo for
FarCry. This does two things: 1) Shows you how nice FarCry Looks. 2)
shows you what Doom3 is like: Basically if you play FarCry, only with
your monitor turned OFF, it's more or less what you'll see in Doom3.
First, everything is REALLY dark.
Lit rooms? Where? 99% of the game is corridors that you barely have enough
room to turn around in.
And what is the point of this game... There is an Imp hiding under the
stairs in one section. I know he's there. No matter how much I shoot or
weapon I use nothing happens. The Imp doesn't pop out in defence and he
no damage. What is the point if you can fire almost point blank at
and there is no reaction or damage?
If that is the truth, then there is something wrong with the GAME, notIt's not as dark as you're making it out - if it is your monitor is too
dark. I only *need* the flashlight to look into the odd dark corner, or
thru the area of the game where you're suppose to use a flashlight.
Fine, in MY opinion, it sucks. The person I was replying to was askingYes that's the point to add to the tension, don't like it feel free to
download the mod so you can use both at the same time but IMO it ruins the
I never made any claims of anyone's age. I hope you didn't either.Yes not all of us were about 5 when we played it.
I have yet to encounter anything contrary to what I posted. INot always. I like the level design, not getting lost or any of that crap.
Think it's spot on.
First, I have yet to encounter anything resembling "teamwork". Second,Bullshit the enemies you expect to have brains use them. The Zombie
Commandos do use team work to hunt you down. But again you have to
rememeber the average zombie isn't suppose to be smart. I mean what the
**** would people say if they were smart? They're god damn zombies, what
the **** don't you get about this?
Monitor's fine, check your standards.Weapons behave nothing like they did in the original DOOM. All FPS have the
same basic weapons so you can take your critism to any FPS.
Check your monitor.
OK, now that you've just proved you're nothing more than an insultingThank you... You've just perfectly demonstrated that you are talking
bollocks. Hell is in the middle of the game, dumb ass. Everything past
Hell is majorly twisted or the twisted remains of the research base, so it's
a good 50% of the game is absolutely gorgeous, while the rest is absolutely
gorgeous research labs.
Oh Crap, someone that has to turn to insult because someone does notDOOM 3 has better graphics then Farcry - face facts - Farcry may look
"nicer" if gay sunny bright days are your kinda thing, but there's nothing
stopping DOOM 3 tech from doing that either (except you could blow the crap
out of everything and the lighting would stay correct)- it's set on Mars, in
a dank research base it's suppose to look like that dumb ass it's for
gameplay reasons, why the **** would a Mars research base be set on tropical
island and all "beautiful" looking? WTF are you stupid or something?
Obviously, your and my opinions differ. That's what this threadThe gameplay in DOOM 3 is also amazing and has sucked me and everyone else I
know in... Best PC game since Half-Life or Quake 2 - I got bored of Farcry
within 15 minutes, nice "beautiful" graphics totally lame gameplay the same
as most FPSs that have plagued the PC the last couple of years and shite
That's kind of the point of the game... It's hard to be scared of
demons that you can see coming from a mile away. However, it probably
should come with a warning for low contrast LCD users.
FatDaddy said:and anyone plays it knows it
Paul Smith said:The gameplay in DOOM 3 is also amazing and has sucked me and everyone else I
know in...
Steven L Cox said:An Imp teleports into the room, reddish-orange flames and lightning
flash all around it as it materializes. Its a bright effect even in a
lit room, its almost blinding within a dark corridor. The Imp
conjures forth a fireball in its hand, more red-orange light spills
out around the weapon illuminating a wide area. He tosses the
fireball at you and it continues to illuminate the area until it hits
a surface and explodes/dissipates. For the very short timespan (maybe
a second or so) between the last fireball going out and the next
fireball to be conjured, at the very least you have the glowing eyes
of the Imp to track.