Don't want password prompt on startup



I searched and searched in the Knowledge Base, but it only
contains complicated network information that only
pertains to businesses. I just have a home computer. My
husband accidentally enabled password on startup and now
wants to disable it. Any idea how to do that?


Dusty Harper {MS}

You can set the keys for automatic logon

Registry modification ahead
Perform at your own risk
Use Regedit.exe

Traverse the Registry to:


Create the following keys if they do not exist:

AutoAdminLogon = 1 ,Reg_SZ
DefaultUserName = x ,Reg_SZ
DefaultPassword = y ,Reg_SZ

where the DefaultUserName is the Account you wish to have logged in
and the Default Password is the Password for the Account.

Steven L Umbach

Follow the instructions in the KB article link below. I pasted the pertinent
part. --- Steve;en-us;234562

Preventing the Password Prompt in a Non-Domain System
1.. In Control Panel, double-click Users and Passwords.
2.. Click to clear the Users must enter a user name and password to use this
computer check box.

NOTE: This option does not appear on a system that is a member of a domain.
3.. Click the Advanced tab.
4.. Click to clear the Require users to press Ctrl-Alt-Del before logging on check

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