Don’t make me laugh+DVLA

Apr 19, 2005
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Don’t make me laugh.:mad:

As most of you know I changed my car in February 2009, I notified the DIC# HEADS at the DVLA I notified change of owner at the same time as taxing my exchange car and surrendering the old car tax 13/02/09, luckily for me I asked for a photo copy of all the relevant paper work, as on 08/05/09 I received a notification letter from the DVLA stating that I had not transferred the old car to the new owner [Garage] so being the good citizen I called at the DVLA and produced the photo copy previously obtained from them I then asked for a photo copy of all the relevant paper work again.

You think that’s it NOPE?:bow: Today I received a threat of court proceedings for failure to notify change of ownership so being the good citizen I am AGAIN :nod: I called the DVLA by phone aha! I get through to the manager and explained what I have just stated to you saying I have all the relevant proof? Now talking to the manager one would assume that being in a responsible position of employ that they would know what was what NOPE wrong [Thick as a brick].:wall:

Ok I said I would call to the DVLA office tomorrow with all the necessary paper work and to give you one last chance to sort things out IF NOT I WILL GLADLY GO TO COURT.
Update tomorrow.
Nice one least its not far to walk too :) if its heard in Swansea court
Rush said:
Nice one least its not far to walk too :) if its heard in Swansea court

I think they would look a right bunch of idiots well they are:lol: but! What a waste of taxpayer’s money that would be even to contemplate prosecution I would love to post the said photocopies on this thread but to many personal details are on them.

BBC Watch dog should see this thread…….????:nod:
Slightly off topic but i left virgin media for broadband and phone a few months ago, yet i still recieve literacy and offers...even recieved their first members book..:) . These companies dont organise departments ...its like they are different entities...what a waste of yours is a first class winner..with probs compensation in this day and age m8 :)
Rush said:
Slightly off topic but i left virgin media for broadband and phone a few months ago, yet i still recieve literacy and offers...even recieved their first members book..:) . These companies dont organise departments ...its like they are different entities...what a waste of yours is a first class winner..with probs compensation in this day and age m8 :)

Not off topic matey it makes me mad to think people get payed for making cock-ups.
Look at the MPs need I say more>
Someone had blundered:Theirs not to make reply,Theirs not to reason why,Theirs but to do and make as much money before they die::bow:
When I changed my car for the current one,a few years ago, via a dealership, a few weeks later I got a notice from a neighbouring council for a parking offence relating to my previous car. The dealer hadn`t done the paper work. I had to sent details to the council of the sale of the old car and the purchase of the new one. Never heard anything more.

Good thing i live in the States, Surely we dont have those kinda problems.... right?


Back in 2003, my Honda was rear ended whilst parked and written off.

I asked the council to dispose of it and they did, it was taken away three days before the tax expired.

I still received a prosecution notice for keeping an unlicensed vehicle on a public road.

Several phone calls, two letters and three weeks later they finally agreed I had done nothing wrong.

Large companies, goverment departments, civil servants = impersonal and fully staffed by wage-slaves who really have no enthusiasm for their work.

I don't have an answer but I can still not feel good about it.

Perhaps we should take a nod to Japanese workforce practices....

Good luck itsme, yet another reminder to keep copies of everything where there might be a comeback.
I make sure they know where I stand always

1. You have a copy of the paper work in your office. The same paperwork I have photocopies of all dated by yourselves. Your staff's incompetence in the matter is not my concern.

2. I have telephone logs of all calls made to yourselves regarding the matter.

3. I have copies of all original mail sent by yourselves to me making threats for a problem I am not responsible for. A problem you have instigated.

The leave them too it to realise they are in the wrong and ignore them if they call.

I i recieve a letter from a solicitor I call them and explain and tell them I am calling out of courtesy to them as they do know know what has happened. However I will not call them again and spend money or my precious time explaining to them an issue that they shoudl be fully aware of in the first place. I say it politely and calmly then say goodbye


Been to see them gave them a piece of my mind with a letter to the chief? I were told don’t worry it is sorted now. HA HA.

To be continued.
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Don't want to rub it in mate but I just got 2 refunds for me blown up Galaxys took about two weeks. Whent really smoothly.
Abarbarian said:
Don't want to rub it in mate but I just got 2 refunds for me blown up Galaxys took about two weeks. Whent really smoothly.

Oh I had the refund no problem:nod: the problem was as is now, it makes you think what the left hand is doing! Ohhh I know> its looking for the right hand:lol:
All sorted.:bow:

Letter of apology today………:nod: right where`s that coffee:lol: