For a highly satisfying Distro that has many new people
using it everyday, stop here first. Take the time to read
about and try this free program. You won't regret it.
Not impressed with this site. I did a search on "requirements" looking
for system requirements for the distro, and got seven hits, not one of
which mentioned system requirements.
I then tried to find out its freeware status and how to download it.
After wading through a pile of pay-for schemes, I finally found a
mention of free downloads from mirror sites (couldn't find a free
download link on the distro's own website). I tried a number of NA
mirror sites, and found that I couldn't use IE's "save as" function,
but had to use "save to folder" instead. I don't know if this is
related, but Stardownloader failed to jump in, so I was looking at 6
+ hours of download time without resume (this is with a 150KB/sec
connection on my end!). My last attempt was U of Florida, where I got
"access denied" when I tried to start the download.
Not a good omen for smooth installation and running of the distro.
PS. please, please spare me all the reports of flawless installs and
silky smooth operation. It's a given that most distros will work well
for some people. My view is that if someone can't tie his shoelaces
(ie. provide the most basic documentation, such as system requirements
and a reasonably straightforward method of distribution), you'd better
not trust their rocket science.