You started this thread with an attitude and you got attitude back. This is a
Microsoft support group and not the proper venue to be attacking another (or
any) product. Yes, Spybot gets recommended quite often but that is usually done
with the admonition that it is not always a good choice for novice users. You
very obviously ran into a problem with it (that probably makes a statement all
by itself) and the place to post would be on a Spybot forum, not on a Microsoft
sponsored peer support group. Regardless of that fact, had you come and asked
about a specific problem, someone would have been willing to see what they could
do for you. That won't happen now and it's all because of the way you opened
the thread.
George (Bindar Dundat)
This information is provided "AS IS"
It may even be wrong!
| No, I'm not part of any ongoing situation. Sheesh. You
| people are whacked. I installed it and it crashes more
| than before. So I didn't like it. Why all the attitudes
| from people who obviously know more than I do about
| computers? Why all the accusations that I'm spamming or
| doing something illegal?
| Mike Tyson called...he wants his attitude back.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Could it be that "spybot is crap" is connected to an
| ongoing situation the
| >founder of SpyBot S & D is currently handling and this is
| an attempt by
| >"spybot is crap"at undermining public confidence in
| Patrick Kolla's product
| >using newsgroups to spread his discontent.
| >
| >
| >
| >"Dear Customer
| >BulletProofSoft Spy ware Remover has been on the market
| for 3 years now
| >where as spybot has only been out for the last 4 or 5
| month!!! Spybot has
| >started a negative publicity campaign not only against
| our company but
| >against 4 other spyware remover program's on the market
| and their companies.
| >As spybot is currently gaining from this negative
| publicity as the owner
| >patrick kolla (owner of spybot) actually thinks since he
| is a 1 man company
| >in germany that american companies can't go after him to
| stop this
| >nonsense!! he is wrong. Our company is teaming up with
| the other 4 companies
| >and are filling lawsuits against patrick kolla."
| >
| >"Well, I thought I should make a short statement about
| this...."
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| message
| >| >> SPYBOT SUCKS. my computer crashes in IE more than twice
| >> what it did before and and now I get popup ads all over
| >> the place.
| >>
| >> You idiots who tell people it will fix their problems
| >> should be banned from this site
| >
| >
| >.
| >