No, not Jesus ... but you're close ... it's just Ðð©. So, you're a funny
smart guy. So mr funny smart guy, let me ask if you can beat my website
earnings and visitor stats for the last fiscal year from just ONE of over a
dozen of my revenue streams and affiliations on "badly built" sites:
Page impressions = 2,321,660
Clicks = 191,699
Page CTR = 8.26%
My 12 months net Earnings = $24,618.45 (USD)
(to make it easier for you to understand ... that's 12,974.73 (GBP) or
19,152.52 (EUR) ... cuz I'm pretty sure you don't have a clue about makin'
I have one "badly designed" FP website that's currently enjoying over 1500
uniques a day. Another "really shitty designed" FP site of mine nets over
1200 uniques a day! Another of my really "crappily designed" FP sites is
blessed with over 800 uniques a day. I bet you don't get 1500 or 1200 or
even 800 uniques a year! I own & operate over 70 active domains and have
designed them all myself "badly" in one version of FP or another, even using
PhP, and they all get good traffic and more importantly SHOW ME THE MONEY
(sorry for yelling but this guy's really thick). I also host another 77
active sites for my paying Clients and over two dozen "free hosted" Clients.
So before you tell me to learn how to create websites, how about you learn
how to promote and make money with your "pristine" flashy site. I've been
using FrontPage since 1993 when it was still owned by Allaire and was called
Vermeer Front Page version 1.0 and you were still in middle school. I also
beta-tested both FrontPage 97 and 2000. I also beta-tested a little
something called "Whistler" for a grizzly 13 months (Google it) and more
recently SP2 for the same beast. I've also been in the computer biz for 32
years. When I started out we used punch cards and the computer was as big as
a couple of Cadillac's (a big American car dummy). Oh, and guess what? I
also teach FrontPage at the local University College for the past 5 years
.... 30 students per semester ... all learning bad web design.
So to answer your ignorant rejoinder ... I say you should learn how to
produce websites that EARN you troll! And geez ... puleeeze do somethin'
about your meta-tags! The few you have are upside down. No wonder your hit
counter is sitting at 2803 hits. And btw NOBODY who gets as few hits as you
do actually use FP counters - they're really tacky - not to mention
embarrassing for your inflated ego. Real statistician web gurus like me use
Webalizer, AsTracker and Awstats. I also checked out your page rank - you
don't have one - 0/10. Instead of out-dated, "flashy" web design you should
have learned SEO (Google that too ignoramus). That badly designed you so boldly criticize boasts a total of 2269 inbound
links, with 19 on Google and 24 on Yahoo. Yours has a grand total of 73 -
period, and you don't show up on Google OR Yahoo at all. Shame on you.
Nearly ALL my sites are multi-lingual in no less than nine languages (10
including English). Yours has spelling errors in English and you're bloody
well in England. My top earning site has 10,676 inbound links, with 171 on
Google and 328 on Yahoo. Even my latest and lowest ranked site that's 3
months young & still under construction has a better pr than yours does.
And guess what? I can design "pretty" sites too ... checkout my,,, - ironically all written in PhP using FP no
less. Then there's, to name just a couple
visually appealing sites I've made in FP 2003.
I now rest my case to your honour and the most honourable jury.
Krikey - I suddenly remember why I haven't visited this newsgroup in over 4
years - a-hole trolls like you that don't know wtf they're talking about.
All flash - no dash! BTW - your flashy sites links don't work on the first
click in IE7, Firefox or Opera - you have to click away on each one to get
any page views! Damned annoying. Most people will just give up. [hahaha
f***in' Brit - so damn superior but still has a 2 inch weenie, no clothes
and lives in a glass house].
Oh, and in case you need more emphasis, here's some more exclamation points
to add to your collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to resist
the urge to insert a sheetload of them on you myself. So sit on it and spin,
then run along little troll. Next time pick on someone your own size - very,
very, very, very, small. Sorry for being "a little up front", to quote a
Cheers ... the original Ðð©!