Got this problemomain Name System Suffix Does Not Match
Domain Name.(server IS NOT A DC, so, Microsoft Knowledge
Base Article - 257623 does not apply in this case, i
I was having problems with the server and after do a
research i found that the "primary DNS suffix of this
computer" was not the same DNS Domain Name (somebody
changed by mistake, i don't know). I changed back, but
after reboot, the FQDN is still wrong. Let's say:
Old or Bad Primary DNS suffix: wrong.com
New/correct Suffix: right.com (after made the change)
But in Network Identification, full computer name is:
server.wrong.com ...it should be .... server.right.com
Any ideas? TC/IP DNS Setting are ok. I mean, suffixes and
DNS IP addresses.
Got this problemomain Name System Suffix Does Not Match
Domain Name.(server IS NOT A DC, so, Microsoft Knowledge
Base Article - 257623 does not apply in this case, i
I was having problems with the server and after do a
research i found that the "primary DNS suffix of this
computer" was not the same DNS Domain Name (somebody
changed by mistake, i don't know). I changed back, but
after reboot, the FQDN is still wrong. Let's say:
Old or Bad Primary DNS suffix: wrong.com
New/correct Suffix: right.com (after made the change)
But in Network Identification, full computer name is:
server.wrong.com ...it should be .... server.right.com
Any ideas? TC/IP DNS Setting are ok. I mean, suffixes and
DNS IP addresses.