Domain logon XP embedded

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bernd
  • Start date Start date


Hallo all,

I encountered a problem with Domain Logon. The XPe systems joins the
domain, but the duration of the reboot is about 6-7 minutes. In this
time it is possible to logon, the user can only work after this time
has expired. With auto logon to the domain, there is a timeout
indicating that the network is not running and therefor no domain
controller will be found. This does not happen with the English
version, only for the German and Spanish version.

I use the components Domain Logon Participation, WinLogon,
Administrator Account, and User Account.

I found a similar question in the archive, but this question was
related to SP1 and should be fixed in SP2 that I use.

Any help would be appreciated.
Hi KM,

I would like to know, if I can resolve the domain controller login problem
by taking inctrl of the hotfix on the dev machine and simply copy the files
to the respective folder (fallback)?
In fact I have tried it but I failed to resolve it. Do I miss something or
is this approach incorrect??
It is just that I want to avoid the time incurred in building the image.

Thanks In advance.