I logon to DOMAIN1, but map a share to DOMAIN2 as a
different user. When I decide to change my password to
DOMAIN2, it is not in the drop-down. If I type it in
manually (in the "Log On To" box), I CAN successfully
change the password. BTW, DOMAIN2 'trusts' DOMAIN1 since
this morning. Is there any MS KB article explaining how
the list is populated? Could it be that I am simply
awaiting replication?
different user. When I decide to change my password to
DOMAIN2, it is not in the drop-down. If I type it in
manually (in the "Log On To" box), I CAN successfully
change the password. BTW, DOMAIN2 'trusts' DOMAIN1 since
this morning. Is there any MS KB article explaining how
the list is populated? Could it be that I am simply
awaiting replication?