Domain Driven Design and MVC / WPF implementation.

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I am implementing DDD (Domain Driven Design) with ASP.NET MVC / WPF,
Entity Framework and Fluent Validation in ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 and VS 2008

My current implementation has the following layers:

1. MyApp.Infrastructure

In Infrastructure I have two namespaces: Entities (Or should I call
it models?) and Repositories.

Entities will, basically, contain the Entity Framework.
Repositories will contain the Repositories Interfaces.

2. MyApp.Domain

In Domain I implement the Repositories defined in the Interfaces on

3. MyApp.Application

In Application I will have three namespaces:

A) Models

I ) Define new Entities that are more adapted to the Views. Why
and How?

In Product views the validation will be basically the same
so I will have one ProductValidator.

In Login, SignIn, Edit Profile views I will have different
validators. So I will create AccountLogin, AccountSignIn,
AccountEditProfile Entities.

This Entities will wrap Infrastructure User, Profile, Role
entities and there will be AccountLoginValidator,
AccountSignValidator, etc.

II ) Define the ViewModels to be used by the UI. Why?

Because a View can needs more then an Entity Product. It
might need a Page Title, A List of Products. So ProductViewModel will
be class that wraps all that;

So I will have: ProductViewModel, AccountSignInModel, etc;

B) Services

Here I will have services like MailService to send emails,
Twiiter services to send Tweets, FileService to save files and so
on ...

C) Validation

Here I will have all the Fluent validators for entities defined
in Infrastructure and used as they are: ProductValidator for Product

Or Fluent validators for entities defined in Application (see
A): AccounLoginValidator for AccountLogin, AccountSignInValidator for

This is why I am keeping the Fluent Validators here and not in
Domain Layer.

4. MyApp.Presentation (The MVC application)

Here I will have the usual MVC components like Controllers, Views,
etc. (I will not have a Model folder)

I will also have a Binders folders for my custom binders like:
ProductBinder, AccountSignInBinder, etc.

On this Binders I will call the Fluent Validators for the entity I
am binding.

The different layers related as follows:

* Infrastructure is the base.

* Domain communicate with Infrastructure to create, update,
delete, etc entities from the database using the repository pattern.

I am trying to implement the UnitOfWork pattern but to be
honest I am not sure if this is possible in ASP.NET 3.5 SP1:

* Application communicate with Domain repositories and with
external API's like Twiiter, Amazon, etc.

* Presentation will communicate with Application services and it
will use its ViewModels, reshapped models (AccountLogin) and Fluent

It also communicates with Domain to use the Repositories.

In case of a WPF application what changes is the presentation layer
becomes the WPF application instead of the MVC application web site.

This said, any suggestion or critic is welcome.

I hope I explained it well.

Thank You,


I am implementing DDD (Domain Driven Design) with ASP.NET MVC / WPF,
Entity Framework and Fluent Validation in ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 and VS 2008

I generally set up the projects like this:

Data.Access - repositories
Data.Models - The domain models
UI.Win - WPF


I do not name things infrastructure simply because I am more aligned
with the Microsoft n-tier approach.

For Framework bits, I will have libraries like:


as these are across multiple projects.

Take what you want from this. I adhere rather strictly to the idea that
models are state objects, but it does not sound like you are aiming for
an ActiveRecord pattern anyway.

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld

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