domain controller NT 4.0 to windows 2000 active directory

  • Thread starter Thread starter aaaa
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1. If I have windows nt4 domain like java with dns name - what
process should be most easy to upgrade/migrate this domain to active
directory domain. We want to have new hardware for our windows 2000 active
directory box...

Can somebody send me little bit steps for this
Remove Win 2k from the new server and install NT 4.0 on it as a BDC while
connected to your existing network. Promote to PDC then upgrade to Win 2k
and AD.

No, I want to co-exist with my current domain structure.
If my nt 4.0 domain is mycompany and dns points to
then can I have in the same network the same windows 2000 active directory
domain ( like mycompany ) in the same dns

If not, then what should I do ? I want to keep my windows nt 4 domain
intact and live and install parallel windows 2000 active directory and move
the users....
Am I missing here anything ?
Please let me know what you find out. I am having
similar issues. I need to replace a BDC (nt4.0) with a
new 2000 box. The 2000 box cannot act as a BDC can it?
Will I need to install AD in order to have authentication
capabilities on this subnet. If so, will AD co-exist
with the PDC and the original NT4 domain?



A Win 2k server can ONLY be a PDC emulator or a member server in a NT 4.0
domain. There is no such thing as a Win 2k BDC.
If you want your Win 2k DC to authenticate users in your NT 4.0 domain,
remove Win 2k and install NT 4.0 on it as a BDC while connected to your
existing network, promote to PDC and upgrade to Win 2k.
Your existing PDC is demoted to BDC and you will have a mixed mode Win 2k
domain. This is *the* *only* configuration of Win 2k AD servers and NT 4.0
servers where each will authenticate users and replication will occur.


You *can* set up a Win 2k and NT 4.0 domain "side by side" on the same wire
and use the ADMT to move users from the NT 4.0 domain to the Win 2k domain.
It requires a trust to be set up between the two domains. BUT if you want to
keep the same domain name you will not be able to set up a trust between two
domain with the same name. You might think about setting up your users from
scratch, entering usernames and passwords by hand in the Win 2k domain, if
you don't have too many users. Entering the users by hand, you won't need to
set up a trust.
If you have way too many users to enter by hand, you may have to research
renaming your NT 4.0 domain so you can set up a trust with the Win 2k domain
using the proper domain name.
How to set up ADMT for Windows NT 4.0 to Windows 2000 Migration;en-us;260871

aaaa & jose

When dcpromo is ran you have to choose between this server being the first
DC in the domain or adding a DC to an existing domain domain. If you choose
adding a DC to a domain you are required to point this server to another Win
2k AD DC (which you don't have) or the install will fail.

If you say yes this is the first DC in the domain you will be creating a NEW

In NT 4.0 *the* *only* domain controller that holds a writeable copy of the
SAM is the PDC. In order to carry this SAM into the new domain, you MUST
upgrade the NT 4.0 PDC. NT 4.0 BDCs and member servers do not have a
writeable copy of the SAM, upgrading either of these, setup will see there
is no writeable copy of the SAM and create a new SAM. New SAM = New domain.

