Is there a best practice document on how to change the domain
account password? I'm sure there are many hooks that it has
in our network,
and want to be prepared before we do it.
I presume you are talking about the administratr account of a domain
What about the following:
* Have three people generate a very difficult string to remember. put
that on a paper and number each paper 1,2,3. Don’t let the people
exchange the strings
* In AD click the reset the password for the admin account
* Insert the first part of the password, the second part and the third
* Try to login using the separate parts of the password where each
person enters a part of the password. This tests if the
passwordstrings on the paper are correct.
* After the test is successfull put each paper in a sealed envelope
and store the envelopes in a safe place
only use it when really needed.
Give each admin his own admin account to perform delegated tasks
Does this sound OK?