Doing a "SUM" within a report

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I have created a Report in Access for generating a daily time sheet. The
report is being created from a query. In the report is a field called HOURS.
Time is assigned to individual projects and each is listed on the report
showing the hours worked on that project. I would like to add a field on the
report called "TOTAL HOURS". Total Hours would be based on the sum of the
individual hours being shown on the report. Can I do a sum within the report
based on the hours worked being displayed on the report? If so how.

Create a text box in either your group or report footer. The value
will be @sum([Hours]).

You can total any numeric field in a Report or Group Header or Footer
section. Use a control source of a text box like:

=Sum([Your Numeric Field])

Date/Time fields are also numeric although they should be used to
store/display a point in time and not a duration of time.
Thank you for the responce. I have tried both your suggestion and the
suggestion provided by TIG. In both instances I receive #Error in the TOTAL
HOURS field when I run the report. I have entered =Sum([Hours]) in a text box
and it is located in the Page Footer. I am not sure as to what I am doing

Duane Hookom said:
You can total any numeric field in a Report or Group Header or Footer
section. Use a control source of a text box like:

=Sum([Your Numeric Field])

Date/Time fields are also numeric although they should be used to
store/display a point in time and not a duration of time.

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

MValentine said:
I have created a Report in Access for generating a daily time sheet. The
report is being created from a query. In the report is a field called
Time is assigned to individual projects and each is listed on the report
showing the hours worked on that project. I would like to add a field on
report called "TOTAL HOURS". Total Hours would be based on the sum of the
individual hours being shown on the report. Can I do a sum within the
based on the hours worked being displayed on the report? If so how.
As I stated, this works in Report or Group sections, not Page sections. Do
you really need this in a Page Footer or can you use the Report Footer?

Regarding TIG's reply, there is no "@sum([Hours])" functionality in Access
reports. I think the "@" is from some other application, perhaps Lotus 1-2-3
or other.

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

MValentine said:
Thank you for the responce. I have tried both your suggestion and the
suggestion provided by TIG. In both instances I receive #Error in the
HOURS field when I run the report. I have entered =Sum([Hours]) in a text
and it is located in the Page Footer. I am not sure as to what I am doing

Duane Hookom said:
You can total any numeric field in a Report or Group Header or Footer
section. Use a control source of a text box like:

=Sum([Your Numeric Field])

Date/Time fields are also numeric although they should be used to
store/display a point in time and not a duration of time.

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

MValentine said:
I have created a Report in Access for generating a daily time sheet. The
report is being created from a query. In the report is a field called
Time is assigned to individual projects and each is listed on the
showing the hours worked on that project. I would like to add a field
report called "TOTAL HOURS". Total Hours would be based on the sum of
individual hours being shown on the report. Can I do a sum within the
based on the hours worked being displayed on the report? If so how.
I found MY mistake. I was placing the =Sum([Hours]) in the Page Footer. I
should have been placing it, as was suggested, in the REPORT FOOTER.


Duane Hookom said:
You can total any numeric field in a Report or Group Header or Footer
section. Use a control source of a text box like:

=Sum([Your Numeric Field])

Date/Time fields are also numeric although they should be used to
store/display a point in time and not a duration of time.

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

MValentine said:
I have created a Report in Access for generating a daily time sheet. The
report is being created from a query. In the report is a field called
Time is assigned to individual projects and each is listed on the report
showing the hours worked on that project. I would like to add a field on
report called "TOTAL HOURS". Total Hours would be based on the sum of the
individual hours being shown on the report. Can I do a sum within the
based on the hours worked being displayed on the report? If so how.