Look at any documentation for the Thread class. Using multiple threads is
trickier than just using DoEvents and also involves writing more code, so I
don't recommend using multithreading unless you really need to and you know
what you're doing.
An example of where you would need a worker thread is if you want to have a
thread watching for network connectivity of some sort and then updating your
local or remote database while a user continues to work with your app. I
used to use worker threads for listening to serial ports, but the SerialPort
class now manages that internally. Some people also use worker threads for
filling list controls like listboxes and comboboxes with data on app startup
or loading a dataset with data, but I prefer to use SqlCeResultSet with SQL
Mobile data and bind the data to controls such as the DataGrid which only
get the data for visible rows thus avoiding the need to load all the data at
Maarten Struys did a great series of webcasts about multithreading. Here's
one of them: