Doesn't run?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom
  • Start date Start date
You can repair Windows AntiSpyware using Add or Remove Programs in Control
Panel. Click Microsoft AntiSpyware and click Change. Click Next, and then
click Update.

Also from Bill Sanderson:
Have you tried this set of steps:

1) Open up a command prompt (start -> run -> cmd)
2) Type in the following "regsvr32 msvbvm60.dll" (without the quotes).
3) Close and re-open Windows AntiSpyware
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Are you certain this isn't just the icon missing? Do you see any gc*.*
processes in task manager?

A pretty good test for real-time protection is to invoke the following false

Go to a command prompt in either \windows or \winnt depending on where your
OS is installed, and type:

md winlogon.exe

and hit enter.

Watch for a red popup message from Microsoft Antispyware warning you about
multibot. You can choose either choice, but I don't recommend always
ignore. Neither choice will have any effect and you will continue to get
popups until you

rd winlogon.exe

at the command prompt.

Guys, thanks for trying to help, but I still have the
same issue of the application not running actively upon
start up. I have taken the folowing recent actions, in
addition to those steps taken in my original email:

Bill asked whether I am running SP2? Yes, I am. He also
asked whether I could see GC*.* processes (including
GCAS,GIANT etc...)in the task list. No, none of them are
there unless I click on the icon to start the application.

Andre recommended to repair using add/remove. As noted in
the original note, I did that already...but I just did it
again, and the problem remains. I also ran "regsvr32
msvbvm60.dll" no quotes. It gave me a successful message
back, but didn't fix the issue. Any additional direction
on fixing this ongoing issue would be much appreciated.

Many thanks, Tom
I'm at a loss--you've already blown it away and deleted the folders and
started over.

Have you tried using MSCONFIG and blocking startup of most third-party
software to see if there's a software conflict?

I haven't yet tried blocking other programs from starting
up via MS config. I'll give that a whirl. Just to add, I
have nothing unusual as part of my start up. I do have
Adaware S/E that is active upon start up.

Re your note below. Are you sure when I delete it, that
there are no registry items or folders that remain to
cause the conflict? I do have CC Cleaner, and I ran a scan
& cleaned up. I'm not giving up on this one, I don't have
anything unusual running on my machine, and (in my view)
there has to be a relatively simple and logical reason as
to why it is not active on start up.

There are registry items left behind. I don't have what I would consider
safe instructions about removing these, and I haven't found such removal
necessary for previous issues. There are also some gc*.* files left behind
in \system32. However, one of the gc*.* files in \system32 GCDEF.DLL is a
system file--check the file information and dates and times before removing

I'm not aware of any issues with ad-aware that could cause this kind of
conflict. Are you running the pro version which adds some active

Bill, I did notice that on MSCONFIG, GCAS or whatever it
is called is not listed there for start up. Just to let
you know that I have a collegue that has MS antispyware
on their PC, and sure enough GCAS (or whatever it is
called)is listed on MSCONFIG for start up. How do I add
something to start up??
Usually by just installing it--adding that entry is part of the work of the
installer script or code.

I do wonder whether there's some software running that is protecting your
startup entries.

When you install Microsoft Antispyware, you are logged in as administrator?

You might try using MSCONFIG to start your machine with no third-party
startup items or services running, and then doing an update install of
Microsoft Antispyware--and see whether that startup entry is created

(control panel, add or remove programs, Microsoft Antispyware, change,

Yes, I have the Pro version of Adware which provides
active protection. I'll try unchecking it from msconfig
for start up. Thanks, Tom
I went to the start up menu in MSCONFIG, and checked
things like Adaware pro & re-started, they they had all
been automatically added back to the MSCONGIG start up
menu? Why isn't GIANT or GCAS, or whatever MSAS shows up
as displayed in the start up menu on MSCONFIG. How do I
add it there?
Ok then. May I will give up on this for now. If someone
does come up with anymore suggestions on how to resolve my
problem, that would be great.

Again, the problem is that the app does not run actively
upon start up, and I have to click on the link to get the
agents active. If you look through the history, you will
see that I have tried all suggestions.

Thanks again,
Reading back, it appears you've tried everything.

I'd uninstall and wait for beta2.

The only alternative I can see would be to make the assumption (a resonable
one, I believe)--that this is a software conflict. You could use MSCONFIG
to remove all third-party startup items and services and see if that changes
the behavior.

If it does, add things back in gradually--and see if you can spot the

This process would probably be primarily for your own benefit, I'm afraid.
The code will change significantly with beta2, and I'm not sure whether a
conflict with the current code would be relevant--but if you spot it, I will
make sure that it is brought to the attention of the developers.
