It makes me crazy.......I can't figure it out why it is happening at
all...so strange..
Here is the how system works...
Development environment.
Client : .NET Compact Framework 2.0/PPC
Server: .NET Framework 2.0
PPC connects to the server to transfer a file.
Client code in PPC
As you can guess, fs is FileStream.
byte[] buf = new buffer[8192];
int bytRead = fs.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
while (bytRead > 0)
_socket.Send(buf, 0, bytRead, SocketFlags.None);
bytRead = fs.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
Server code in the desktop
fs is FileStream.
int rBytes = 0;
byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
rBytes = client.Receive(buf, 0, buf.Length, SocketFlags.None);
fs.Write(buf, 0, rBytes);
} while ( rBytes > 0 );
When I tested these, it works perfectly under Wireless connection.
HOWEVER, the problem arise when testing this with the cradled device.
With the cradled device, the server ONLY receives 99% data. For example, if
I send a file (162KB) from the PPC, the server ONLY receives 161KB.
I tried to fix possible soultions as best as I can...However, I can't figure
out how this works WITH THE CRADLED device.
Once I take off the device from the cradle, then test under wireless
connection, it WORKS perfectly.....
It is so strange......Why the server ONLY receives 99% when the PPC
Any help would be appreciated.
It makes me crazy.......I can't figure it out why it is happening at
all...so strange..
Here is the how system works...
Development environment.
Client : .NET Compact Framework 2.0/PPC
Server: .NET Framework 2.0
PPC connects to the server to transfer a file.
Client code in PPC
As you can guess, fs is FileStream.
byte[] buf = new buffer[8192];
int bytRead = fs.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
while (bytRead > 0)
_socket.Send(buf, 0, bytRead, SocketFlags.None);
bytRead = fs.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
Server code in the desktop
fs is FileStream.
int rBytes = 0;
byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
rBytes = client.Receive(buf, 0, buf.Length, SocketFlags.None);
fs.Write(buf, 0, rBytes);
} while ( rBytes > 0 );
When I tested these, it works perfectly under Wireless connection.
HOWEVER, the problem arise when testing this with the cradled device.
With the cradled device, the server ONLY receives 99% data. For example, if
I send a file (162KB) from the PPC, the server ONLY receives 161KB.
I tried to fix possible soultions as best as I can...However, I can't figure
out how this works WITH THE CRADLED device.
Once I take off the device from the cradle, then test under wireless
connection, it WORKS perfectly.....
It is so strange......Why the server ONLY receives 99% when the PPC
Any help would be appreciated.