Fuzzy wrote on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 12:51:13 -0700:
??>> Does XP benefit from Dual-Core technology's ability to
??>> multi-thread and other multi-core technology ???
FL> You need SP2. Additional patches may need to be applied:
??>> If so, what performance changes could be expected over a
??>> single core CPU??
FL> Dual Core is best for multi-tasking or applications that
FL> are specifically coded to take advantage of it.
That's certainly the case and I don't think that any, even the
latest, MS Office programs have been coded to do it. It is not
that easy to parallelize an existing program and "improvements",
while real, can be disappointing. IBM pushed "Parallel FORTRAN"
20 years ago and had programs to analyse where improvements
could be made in code. I worked with it for a while but the best
speed increase I ever saw was about 30%.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: