I need to set up disk mirroring on a WinME computer. Does anyone know if
this will work?
yes, it will providing you have a driver for win9x (win95,
win98, 98se, me, etc).
I assume that I will need a RAID controller
and another
identical hard drive.
no, you do not need an identical drive.
It has to have same interface (IDE, SATA, etc) as the
controller of course, and the mirror's size is the size of
the smaller of the two drives. Extra space on the larger
drive will be wasted, cannot be used for anything else. So,
two drives of nearly same size are the most cost-effective
implementation per storage space, but they don't have to be
same/identical drive.
Is there anything else I will need?
Sufficient cooling for a 2nd drive. Some people try to just
shove another drive in right next to their first drive when
first drive wasn't cooled very well to begin with. Look at
how well the case does/doesn't pull air through the HDD rack
and make necessary modifications if needed, else mount the
drive somewhere else like a 5 1/4 " bay with a passive
intake cover or fan assist.