Does Windows store a list of installed updates?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gerald Bramwell
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Gerald Bramwell


I am going to be fitting a larger drive to my PC and am going to be
taking the opportunity to do a clean install. I have the Windows XP home
CD with SP2 included and I will need to know which updates to download
so that I can slipstream a CD/DVD with all the necessary up-to-date
drivers. Does Windows store a list of the updates and if so, where?

Many thanks

Gerald said:

I am going to be fitting a larger drive to my PC and am going to be
taking the opportunity to do a clean install. I have the Windows XP home
CD with SP2 included and I will need to know which updates to download
so that I can slipstream a CD/DVD with all the necessary up-to-date
drivers. Does Windows store a list of the updates and if so, where?

Many thanks


All installed Updates are listed under the Control Panel's Add/Remove
Programs applet by clicking the "Show Installed Updates" link. You can
reduce the number of updates that you'll need to download by
incorporating WinXP's SP3 into the installation CD, rather than stopping
short with SP2.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot
Gerald said:
I am going to be fitting a larger drive to my PC and am going to be
taking the opportunity to do a clean install. I have the Windows XP
home CD with SP2 included and I will need to know which updates to
download so that I can slipstream a CD/DVD with all the necessary
up-to-date drivers. Does Windows store a list of the updates and if
so, where?

Plan on doing this a lot (installing from scratch, fresh?)

- If not - I see it as a waste to attempt to integrate anything beyond the
service packs. Maybe even a waste there if this is a one-off thing.
Download the installable SP3 file, run and printout a list from Belarc
Advisor (it gives you what you asked for - although essentially useless to
have - as well as a list of the hardware in your computer - very useful),
disconnect from the Internet, clean install Windows XP, install SP3 (with
SP1a or SP2), install your AV software, connect back to the Internet and
search for further updates and install as needed. You probably should get
the latest hardware drivers from the appropriate hardware manufacturer(s)
for your products based off that Belarc Advisor output you printed too.

- If so - you just download SP3 and all post-SP3 updates for Windows XP that
you can get your hands on and attempt to integrate them into a copy of your
CD and burn the results to a bootbable Windows XP installation CD and run
with it. Some of the other advice in the "If Not" section should remain the
same. You will be downloading more updates no matter how thorough you get.

The details aren't there - but are not really needed here if you can do any
of that on your own (you would have found a lot of web sites by now with
fantastic walk-thrus.)

From the basic standpoint, the command line with the /integrate switch
covers most of the need. Getting the updates - even if you go by the
add/remove programs list of updates (check the appropriate box to "Show
Updates" in that list) - will be a crap shoot. I suggest using something
like the - whose SP3 update list
will get you though 3/11/2010 anyway.

Anyway.. Here is the normal spiel I give on this - searching would find it
too. ;-)

Many people utilize tools like AutoStreamer or nLite to intgrate/slipstream
updates into the installation media. nLite (I believe) has a way/hack that
'integrates' Internet Explorer 7 - but to be honest, _I_ would not do that.

Getting the updates - that is fairly simple.

One way...

You can see the critical (security and other) patches released for a given
month using the following:***.mspx

At the end of this line you see "ms##-***.mspx" .. If you simply replace ##
with the two-digit year and the *** with the three character month
abbreviation, you will see the list of "critical" and "important" patches
for that month (since it only happens once a month usually, if you check by
the second Tuesday (wait until afternoon) of each month - you should be
fine) - note that future months will not work - although they may have an
"Advance Notification for" in place when the actual time approaches.


November 2009

Another way...

Windows Updates Downloader

Another way...

Security updates are available on ISO-9660 DVD5 image files from the
Microsoft Download Center

The second is truly the easiest for most people. Most of the updates you
can get have an /integrate switch. Pretty much the same way you do the
service packs.

Although many people use the nlite/autostreamer and other similar tools - I
stick with the original.

Copy the installation CD files to a directory on a Windows XP system (I
prefer doing the integration on a working system of the same version,
although it is not usually necessary...) - preferably a short path like
"C:\WinXP". Downloading the full latest service pack and the patches I want
to integrate using one of the methods above and putting them all into a
different (but short as well) path like "C:\XPPatch" - no sub-directories.

Integrating the service pack first - in this case, given what I have, the
command would be:

"C:\XPPatch\WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe" /integrate:C:\WinXP

and after some time, it would be done.

Then I would integrate the other patches that I could. There would be
*quite a few* updates, so I could either do them one-by-one using this
command with the appropriate substitutions...

"C:\XPPatch\WindowsXP-KB??????-x86-enu.exe" /integrate:C:\WinXP

Or I could create a batch script to run through and do them for me:

<start batch script here - copy below this line>

set sourcedir=C:\WinXP
set patchdir=C:\XPPatch

for %%U in (%patchdir%\WindowsXP-KB??????-x86-enu.exe) DO (
if not exist %svcpackdir%\%%U (
@ECHO Now integrating %%U . . .
start /wait %%U /integrate:%sourcedir%

@ECHO Windows XP Updates Integrated into your Installation Media.
@ECHO Burn your new media.
<end batch script here - copy above this line>

And running that would integrate the majority of the available patches and
automatically integrate them - only pausing for me to click OK on each of
the patches "Success" or "Failure" messages. You could make it silent with
a little modification.

The reason it cannot get them all is that some patches do not integrate and
some do not use the same naming scheme (although you could rename them so
they do...)

I then use BBIE (Bart's Boot Image Extractor) to take the 'boot image' off
the original Windows XP CD and save it to a file so I can burn a bootable
Windows XP CD with the integrations I have made. Depending on what CD
burning software or ISO creation software you use - the instructions can
differ a bit here... This part is important when burning to CD: Set Load
segment of sectors (hex) to 0000 and set Number of loaded sectors to 4. Or
at least that is something I always remember.

That's just the way I have done it - even though I have used the other
methods, I find that one the most reliable.
Bruce Chambers said:
All installed Updates are listed under the Control Panel's Add/Remove
Programs applet by clicking the "Show Installed Updates" link....

Just a note of clarification: at least on my version of XP (XP Pro SP2),
there's a "Show updates" check box, not a link per se.

(I just happened to link to this forum looking for help on a similar problem
only a few hours after this question and 2 answers were posted, so this
discussion was still at the very top of the list -- I didn't even have to
search! Easiest time I've ever had finding something in the user forums!>
Jack said:
Just a note of clarification: at least on my version of XP (XP Pro SP2),
there's a "Show updates" check box, not a link per se.

You're right, it is a check box. It's been a couple of years since
I've used WinXP regularly, so I mistakenly referred to the Vista/Windows
7 feature. So much for relying on memory....


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot