Ray said:
7) Windows shows me the Partitions on my Computer.
There it is: PartitionsS; multiple. There are multiple partitions to start
with if the syntax is correct.
8) I select the Partition that has the OS on it.
From more than one partition. How do you decide which partition has the OS
on it? What is its number? How many drives do you have? How many physical
hard drives? How many drive letters?
9) Windows warns me about it being a System partition.
10) I delete it anyways.
11) Now Windows shows me I have 1 partition.
OK; one partition is left: You had two to begin with then.
12) I select that partition.
13) Windows give me the Option (Quick Format or Full (NTFS))
14) Windows proceeds to Format the Drive and Install the OS.
Yes, but it's the WRONG drive. You deleted a partition, but you skipped a
step: You had to Recreate the partition you deleted, NOT use the remaining
partition, Plus it had to actually be THE partition the OS lived on that you
deleted. It doesn't sound like it was?
Without deleting that partition you deleted, you could not possibly
have installed the OS to it, since it was no longer there. You apparently
installed to a different partition somehow.
When I am done, as God as my witness, when I choose the dropdown at
the top of Internet Explorer there are sites listed there. Where did
they come from? How did Internet Explorer know I was at cnn.com
Actually, that happens fairly often when people skip a step in the process
or get their one's and zero's mixed up in determining which drive/partition
holds their OS.
It would be a good idea here to list everything ver batum w/r to
drive/partition types and numbers to get one's head around tha actual
What happened to you would make sense.
Also, If I try to Install Trial Software, the software reports it has
been installed before. How does it know it has been installed before.
Now, I am not the type to buy into conspiracy theories, but is it
possible that the Windows Formatting program is not really completely
formatting the drive? Is it possible that Microsoft and other
"partners" are doing this so Trial Software cannot be installed
repeatedly simply by re-formatting the drive? I don't know. I can
only tell you what I have expereinced.
IFF (and I seriously doubt there is) a conspiracy like that, it would not be
anywhere near this easy to detect, given the power of MS <g>. It's not a
conspiracy; it's just confusion due to the excellent wording and phraseology
Microsoft uses and their lack of explanation of the operations to a
non-experienced user. IMO anyway. You have to very carefully watch and
read those first few screens and not gloss over or guess at anything. Been
there, done that.
First, positively ID the drive/partition the OS lives on with Adminstrative
Then delete THAT partition.
Then recreate a partition in its place. To be certain, you would likely be
better off deleting ALL partitions on that hard drive so you only have the
one to recreate and work with, IF that could be feasible for you.