Does WD make a log file of its activity? and if yes where is it located?



if not it should so you know what exactly it did

Also how will we know when a new version comes out (as if you are doing a
beta 3) or when final comes out and how will we install that? will we have
to uninstall beta 2 or will it just go over beta 2?

Bill Sanderson MVP

One place Windows Defender creates log records of activity is in the System
Event log--filter on source "WinDefend"

There are sometimes records in the application event log as well, and there
is a text log file in %temp% (or has been in the past) associated with
updates, I think.


Bill you should tell MS that this is not good for beginners because most do
not even know what event viewer is.
I looked in there after i posted this figuring that is where it might be,
but it is really should not only be in there.


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