I think you *are* indeed missing the point: virtualization allows the user
to mess with system settings without actually breaking the system. Yes, it
*is* the OS that's protected by virtualization. But if you {tr|c}rash the
OS, you're left up the proverbial creek without a paddle, so it's a good
thing. It just doesn't go far enough IMO, and is done as a
resource-consuming kludge in this version of the OS.
Pierre Szwarc
Paris, France
PGP key ID 0x75B5779B
Multitasking: Reading in the bathroom !
"Kurt" <
[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de (e-mail address removed)...
|I have mixed feelings about this file/registry virtualization. Actually I
| think this is INSANE!. UAP is aimed at making administrative accounts
| limited user accounts to prevent unknowingly granting a process
| administrative rights where virtualization appears to grant every process
| "virtual administrative privilege" within the context of the user account
| only, in effect all the ACLs are [virtually] disabled allowing application
| replace system registry settings and program files that would ordinarily
| result in an access denied error. Does the left hand know what the right
| doing? I don't get it. Personally I don't care if the application
| outlook scripts and macros only for my user account or replaces internet
| explorer with a look-alike that records usernames and passwords for my
| account only. IMHO this is a big mistake and effectively grants the user
| the necessary permissions to completely trash his [virtual] environment
| leading to a new class of malware eventually forcing the administrator to
| delete his user profile and recreate it from scratch and with more and
| applications installed in this virtual environment it might become almost
| much work to reinstall your applications and reconfigure your preferences
| it is today after a fresh install of windows XP. I don't think
| virtualization does anything to protect the user rather the only thing
| being protected here is the system which is overshadowed and hidden by the
| user's virtual environment where every process [virtually] has
| administrative permissions, so what exactly have we gained by this?
| Perhaps I'm missing something here, and hopefully its not as bad as I
| it is, but IMHO virtualization should be considered nearly equivalent to
| granting administrative privileges and thus only be granted with explicit
| user permission much like UAP. Additionally I think each virtualized
| application needs to be isolated, perhpas some sort of "virtual process
| domain" (something like IIS appdomains where multiple applications can
| an appdomain, such as the main applicaiton and a configuration tool, but
| otherwise isolated from other appdomains) and going further the virtual
| process domain should have a associated virtual user account (ie file and
| registry virtualization right in local security policy or something like
| that) which is used when the user runs an application in that process
| (somewhat like administrator having a split token) thus allowing ACL
| permissions to be refined as necessary for that virtual process domain,
| as virtual user and own new program files folders but not modify existing
| ones not created by that virtual user thus minimizing the risk that the
| application might attempt to replace and launch a fake internet explore
| user clicks on a link on an application within that process domain for
| example.