Fred Hebert
In order to maintain compatibility with some older software I need to be
able to read and write a classic ini type file. I don't see anything like
that in VC.NET. The old code looks something like this:
TIniFile *INI;
INI = new TIniFile("MyApp.ini");
Timeout = INI->ReadString("DEFAULTS","Timeout","10");
delete INI;
Before I go writing my own, I thought I'd ask.
able to read and write a classic ini type file. I don't see anything like
that in VC.NET. The old code looks something like this:
TIniFile *INI;
INI = new TIniFile("MyApp.ini");
Timeout = INI->ReadString("DEFAULTS","Timeout","10");
delete INI;
Before I go writing my own, I thought I'd ask.