I Isa Oct 8, 2003 #1 I have an end use who instist that Track changes exists in Power Point. If so how do I activate it.
T TAJ Simmons Oct 8, 2003 #2 Isa, I believe from powerpoint version 2002/XP there is a "track changes" feature. Right click any tool bar and choose the "reviewing" toolbar Cheers TAJ Simmons microsoft powerpoint mvp awesome - powerpoint backgrounds, free sample templates, tutorials, hints and tips etc http://www.powerpointbackgrounds.com
Isa, I believe from powerpoint version 2002/XP there is a "track changes" feature. Right click any tool bar and choose the "reviewing" toolbar Cheers TAJ Simmons microsoft powerpoint mvp awesome - powerpoint backgrounds, free sample templates, tutorials, hints and tips etc http://www.powerpointbackgrounds.com
I Isa Oct 8, 2003 #3 Thanks for you response. But we are still using Power Point 2000. The reviewing tool bar exist but only for inserting, editing comments. I have searched the Power Point help and notinhg comes up as far as track changes go.
Thanks for you response. But we are still using Power Point 2000. The reviewing tool bar exist but only for inserting, editing comments. I have searched the Power Point help and notinhg comes up as far as track changes go.
E Echo S Oct 19, 2003 #4 There is no "track changes" in PPT 2000. Your end user is wrong, unless, of course, he/she is talking about PPT 2002 (aka XP) or 2003.
There is no "track changes" in PPT 2000. Your end user is wrong, unless, of course, he/she is talking about PPT 2002 (aka XP) or 2003.