Does this happen where you live?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Just wondering whether any of you have had a similar experience?

A short while ago, a young woman rang the doorbell and (before we could say anything) immediately went into her "script" saying: Hello, how are you? It's all right I am not selling anything. I'm with the WWF and we shall be collecting around the town. If you see any of us, perhaps you'll pop a few pennies into the tin. Thank you." She then went on her way...:confused:

What was that all about? We live on the outskirts of the town. She did not have any leaflets to hand out, and wasn't asking for a donation (or rattling a tin) when she visited. So... I just don't quite "get" it.

Like most towns, we get our fair share of tin-rattlers collecting for this and that, but they don't normally send out a special "foot patrol" to each and every home, to announce that they will be collecting. An ad in the local free rag would have made more sense. Has this happened where you live?
Did she show any form of ID..? There are a few "chancers" that go around my area. Luckily for me the dogs don't let them past the front gate..
Nope, never seen that before :confused: Did they go down the road doing this to every house or have anything to identify herself with the charity?? Seems an odd thing to do!
She was just wearing the Panda logo. I couldn't see whether she went anywhere else, because next door is having a new drive, so there were quite a lot of vehicles and workmen outside.

This is a cul-de-sac, and a long-ish one, this coupled with her lack of demands for any money, etc., seemed to render her visit a tad pointless. Naturally, one tends to wonder whether she was checking-out houses that might contain vulnerable people... but if so, it was a bit cack-handed, I would have thought.

We were thinking about it and remembered that something similar happened last year and it seemed equally pointless then, too. Her visit as achieved absolutely nothing, other than to raise suspicion. Perhaps she is a well-meaning volunteer, who thinks that she is publicising the cause? Funny way to go about it though.
Mmm, i'd say maybe a random house thief checking oout your property then. Keep an eye out, let your neighbours know there is sonmebody going about.Anybody can get those WWF shirts....
It happened where i live a couple months ago. A young girl asked if I had a moment of spare time. I asked for what she then proceeded to say "I work for wwf" i just went into a yarn and she said "ahh ok i see your not interested" i replied "I have problems feeding my on family nevermind wild animals aswell"

She saw her bum and walked off

She too had a panda t-shirt on
Madxgraphics said:
Mmm, i'd say maybe a random house thief checking oout your property then. Keep an eye out, let your neighbours know there is sonmebody going about.Anybody can get those WWF shirts....

I'd suspect that as well.

And no, it hasn't happened to me yet.

I usually manage to severely upset door to door canvassers :D

And phone spammers as well.

'Hello, may I speak to Mr or Mrs Sullivan?'

'Well, you'd have a bit of a job speaking to Mrs Sullivan, she's six feet under'.

Click. Burrrrrr......
floppybootstomp said:
I'd suspect that as well.

And no, it hasn't happened to me yet.

I usually manage to severely upset door to door canvassers :D

And phone spammers as well.

'Hello, may I speak to Mr or Mrs Sullivan?'

'Well, you'd have a bit of a job speaking to Mrs Sullivan, she's six feet under'.

Click. Burrrrrr......

I know I shouldn't laugh, but if I am having a crap day I just come read one of your posts. Its just the way you write things...
I emailed WWF earlier, it can't hurt to check if they know anything about it - it'll be interesting to see if they reply.

floppybootstomp said:
I usually manage to severely upset door to door canvassers:D

:lol: I've managed to do that too.
Taffycat said:
I emailed WWF earlier, it can't hurt to check if they know anything about it - it'll be interesting to see if they reply.

:lol: I've managed to do that too.

Good thing as they know where everyone of their people are.....
Taffycat said:
Has this happened where you live?

No, nothing like that here.

That sort of pointless encounter would make me very suspicious and I would report it to our local Neighbourhood Watch. I must say that I give any cold callers short shrift and as for cold telephone calls I simply put the phone down as soon as it's obvious that they are after something.
I'm very polite with cold phone callers, I usually say something like, " Oh could you just hold on a second I have to turn of a pan on the cooker" then I gently rest the phone down and let them wait an wait an wait an wait. :D
nivrip said:
I must say that I give any cold callers short shrift and as for cold telephone calls I simply put the phone down as soon as it's obvious that they are after something.

I usually let John deal with the telephone salesmen, It's very rare that he doesn't at least get them to check out his website, several have ended up talking about commisioning a painting from him, so far no actual sales yet though.... although there's been several who were so 'caught up' they were actually planning out what they wanted lol.
He enjoys it & I wouldn't put it past him to get a sale out of it one day... In the meantime, well it's all free publicity lol.
I reckon it was tea leaves checking your house out.....hope yo u have an alarm fitted....i have one on my house and never have to worry....keep a watchful eye for the next while and take care...