On Sat, 1 May 2004 17:48:35 -0500, "Auntie Em" <Auntie
I subscribe to A LOT of newsgroups and sometimes I just want to keep up with
conversations that I am having, rather than download a zillion file headers
and wade through them for my "watch conversation" posts.
Have a look at Forte Agent. The following is from their help file.
Regards, Fred
Watching Threads
When you're browsing though messages and come upon one that you know
you'll be interested in responses to, select Watch Thread from the
Message menu or press "W." The Watch Thread icon, , will appear next
to the message. Agent automatically retrieves the bodies of all
responses to watched threads when retrieving message headers.
Note: When you watch a thread with unretrieved messages, Agent
automatically marks all the unretrieved messages in the thread for
retrieval and, if the selected message is unretrieved, skips to the
next unread message (outside of the current thread). To retrieve the
marked messages, select Get Marked Message Bodies from the Online menu
(for details, see How to Use Agent as an Offline Newsreader). To keep
Agent from skipping to the next unread message, uncheck the "Watching
an unread message skips to the next unread message" box on the
Navigation panel of the General Preferences dialog.
Ignoring Threads
The opposite of watching threads is ignoring threads. When you run
across a message that you know you won't be interested in responses
to, select Ignore Thread from the Message menu or press "I." The
Ignore Thread icon, , will appear next to all the messages in the
thread. After that, each time you retrieve new headers, Agent will
not retrieve any new headers in the ignored thread. This can
significantly reduce the number of new, unread messages presented to
you each time you get new message headers.
Note: After you ignore a thread, Agent automatically skips to the
next unread message. To turn this behavior off (keep the focus on the
current message), uncheck the "Watching an unread message skips to the
next unread message" box on the Navigation panel of the General
Preferences dialog.
Mijdrecht, Holland 5 m below sea level