Does patch also remove the worm?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jackie
  • Start date Start date


We successfully installed the security patch on our home
PC and the symptoms have dissipated. After reading the
advice on the Blaster Worm info page, however, I am not
confident that we have actually removed the worm. Is
there another step I should take to do so?
We successfully installed the security patch on our home
PC and the symptoms have dissipated. After reading the
advice on the Blaster Worm info page, however, I am not
confident that we have actually removed the worm. Is
there another step I should take to do so?
Absolutely NOT, NO!

If a worm is already present before installing the patch, that worm will
still be there after the patch installation, for the patch has _nothing_
to do with cleaning infected systems, only in helping (and ONLY helping)
to prevent infection.

For removal information, please scan the user groups, try Google, etc.:
I don't even try to remember the various techniques nor the URLs of
where you can get this, but I can assure you, it's easily accessible.

Caveat user: Some of the "advice" posted is blantantly wrong, alas.

The patch is only good for this particular security lapse in Windows XP
and related OSes; a decent virus checker and a firewall are really
needed to prevent future problems.
NO, the patch is prevention only.
If you have the worm you ALSO need to clean the worm from the