Does not show or save configuration

  • Thread starter Thread starter KM1
  • Start date Start date


Until recently, a window came up that showed the results
of a scan. I noticed on two different computers that
this was not coming up anymore. I found it in settings
and checked the box, clicked save, and then OK. As soon
as I clicked OK it took the check out of the box. MSAS
does not seem to be able to show this option at the end
of a scan anymore nor does it allow you to save this
setting. I am not sure about any of the other settings,
I have left them at default. This thing used to work on
both machines. Any ideas? Is this a bug? When did this

What has been tried to correct this?

An update install might do the trick: Start, control panel, add or remove
programs, Microsoft Antispyware, change, update.

Before I attempted any fixes I wanted to know if anyone
else had noticed this issue. Am I the only one. This
is the same problem on two different boxes I own. I have
noticed this issue with the earlier version before the
current program update. Anyone else notice this before I
attempt a "fix".
Some installs show a problem remembering settings, in varying ways. In some
cases, the user always sees the initial setup wizard--as though nothing
recorded through that is ever saved.

In other cases, a user might receive a prompt to allow or deny a specific
object, and find that this action is never remembered.

There's quite a spectrum of issues like this.

An update install is painless and simple to do. The more radical step that
I would go to next if that doesn't help, is to uninstall Microsoft
Antispyware, delete the installation folder (typically c:\program
files\microsoft antispyware) and all subfolders, and then reinstall from the
current latest version download (.615, available since July 18th.)

Are all the subfolders located within that folder you
listed? If I just delete that one folder will I get them
all if I uninstall?

If I understand you correctly I would first try a repair
in add/remove if not working for this then uninstall from
add/remove, locate folder c:\program
files\microsoft antispyware delet it and all its contents
(subfolders), reinstall from Microsofts website, update
and check this function. Is that correct? Anything else
I should delete before reinstall?

You've got it right--yes, just delete the installation folder and its
subfolders (which will include Quarantine, for example.)

When you uninstall Microsoft Antispyware beta1, it leaves a good deal
behind--much of the content of the installation folder and its subfolders,
and some files in \system32, and registry entries.

I've not yet found that it was essential to remove the items in \system32
and the registry entries--although others here sometimes advise these


How do you repare. I only see choice to change and
remove. If I click change I can either upgrade or remove
no repair. If I click remove, it asks me if I want to
remove the program. I am afraid to click yes, won't it
start removing the program? Where is repair?

Also, I have had the problem where I have clicked on
allow a change when the popup has come up for something I
wanted and it logs it in as being blocked, however, the
program was allowed like I had clicked but the log is
wrong. Is this what you were talking about regarding the
settings that are not remembered or done correctlly?
This has happened on both computers that also do not give
the box at the end of a scan anymore.

As I said originally, Change, Update is the right sequence.

There is, in fact, a repair choice--it is behind the "click here for support
information" link.

Feel free to try that as well--my suspicion is that it does precisely the
same thing as change, update (for the purposes of beta1)--but I haven't been
able to verify this.

Your example sounds more like a bug in the beta --the log record appears to
be wrong. I doubt this relates to the individual installs--it is probably
something everyone is seeing.

Tried the update and still won't save the setting or show
the box after a scan. May try a uninstall reinstall but
not convinced this will work as well plus have a concern
over the other stuff MSAS leaves on the machine after
uninstall and that it might cause problems with
reinstall. Are you sure that this is not a bug in the
beta and that most everyone has this issue and don't
realize it? It is a function that might not be used
again once it is set.

What you are seeing is definitely a bug, but not one that is seen
universally. There are many instances in these groups where issues such as
this go away after the uninstall/remove installation folder/reinstall
treatment. I can't make that promise for your individual issue--I can't be
sure. This is just the best thought that I have about how to approach it.

Your alternative is probably to wait for beta2, which is due out sometime
this year.


I uninstalled and reinstalled and it is working normally
now. At least it is at this point, however, I may have
made one error. I did not shut down MSAS before removing
it. I forgot to do this. Is this a problem? Can MSAS
be uninstalled through add/remove successfully without
having to shut it down? If not should I repeat the
procedure or leave it as is? Silly question maybe, not

I'd leave it alone. If files had still been in use, you wouldn't have been
able to delete them, and it would have given some indication about that.

Yes--you can use add or remove without shutting the program down--I've
definitely done that many times.

Thank you for all your help. Hopefully I won't
experience any more bugs. Hey I did post another issue
recently regarding MSAS not shutting down properly on a
restart. Of course that is with the version I just
deleted. Is that an issue normally with this program?
What happened over the last two days is that a box would
come up sometimes stating that gcas was shutting down
with a blue bar going across in the box. It eventually
reached the end but then said it was not responding. I
would have to click end now. This just started happening
and it would happen right after AOL had a connectivity
problem and did not open properly. Crazy. Anyway, I
also noticed my CPU usage hanging as my computer loaded
MSAS. I don't see that as much now. Does any of this
sound like problems from MSAS? Should I uninstall and
reinstall every couple of months until Beta2 comes out?

Well thanks for all your help so far. Love the program
when it is working.

I'd just stick with it unless it does something you absolutely can't live

I've seen the processes "sticking" at shutdown only minmally on my own
machines--i.e. sometimes I see that dialog box, but it disappears almost
immediately. My machine is probably middle of the road--not a speed demon
or bottom of the line spec either--PIII 750 with 650 megs of ram. I've got
Microsoft Antispyware running on pII-300's with 256 megs of ram and many
much higher specced machines. However, I do see others posting shutdown
issues that I'm sure are real, but don't have quick fixes for.

The "hogging the CPU on program start" I tend to attribute to a mechanism
that I believe checks for definition updates at startup. You might check
those machines for definition level and also program code level--in Help,
About, you need to be on .615 on every machine--if any are less, download
..615 and upgrade them. If the definitions on a given machine are behind
(current today is 5747), update via File, check for updates. You may see
machines where Help, about shows a lesser definition level, but Help, About
doesn't actually do an update. Do help, about again, and the definition
level should read 5747. This is an appearance bug, as opposed to a bug
involving the actual definitions in place.

There are a good many bugs in this beta1 product, but most of them do not
interfere with its major functionality, or make it unstable. It is
definitely well worth having for the additional protection it affords your

I am on .615 version and updated immediately after the
reinstall. Ders are at 5747 so it is were it should be.
Just thought it was funny that the reinstalled version
does not seem to hold the CPU up as much as the .615
version that has been on this machine since it came out.
Thank you for all your help. Your posts were very
helpful and timely. Will post back if I have any more
trouble. Looking forward to beta 2. Hey, you may have
answered this already but since everything seems ok right
now is there any concern regarding the reminents of the
previous .615 version or were they all overwritten???

Nothing to worry about in terms of remnants. They should all be

I hope we'll all be bowled over by beta2, but I suspect we'll be able to
find some nits to pick...