Until recently, a window came up that showed the results
of a scan. I noticed on two different computers that
this was not coming up anymore. I found it in settings
and checked the box, clicked save, and then OK. As soon
as I clicked OK it took the check out of the box. MSAS
does not seem to be able to show this option at the end
of a scan anymore nor does it allow you to save this
setting. I am not sure about any of the other settings,
I have left them at default. This thing used to work on
both machines. Any ideas? Is this a bug? When did this
of a scan. I noticed on two different computers that
this was not coming up anymore. I found it in settings
and checked the box, clicked save, and then OK. As soon
as I clicked OK it took the check out of the box. MSAS
does not seem to be able to show this option at the end
of a scan anymore nor does it allow you to save this
setting. I am not sure about any of the other settings,
I have left them at default. This thing used to work on
both machines. Any ideas? Is this a bug? When did this