The part that seems odd is that .Net inherently requires user accounts and lsass.
Some features of .Net do require those components. Just look at the .Net APIs and you will notice some user account specific
It is also known that .Net can leverage the traditional Windows security subsystem via the WindowsPrincipal object, allowing the
easy mapping of roles to existing Windows user accounts and groups.
I can think of lots of little C# apps that you could write without security
being required (or so I believed).
In general, you are absolutely right. The .Net Framework should be componentized better for an embedded application.
What I don't really like about .Net on XPe is that it is really just one huge component now. For an embedded system it is sometimes
not required to have all the features of .Net (unles syou want a system that runs *any* .Net app).
However, XPe is based on XP Pro binaries. So, I guess, there is no *easy* way for XPe Product Team to fix such dependency issues
without affecting XP Pro world.
BTW, when I was trying to get the office handwriting components to load,
this is probably the root problem. I remember that one of the components had
a registry setting "Assemblies" - possibly related?
Hmm.. IIRC, wasn't your problem that time related to ctfmon? What's the connection to .Net?