Does Microsoft want to join Open Source Group?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neo
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If not, why 100% IL can be disassembled to 90% readable code?
There are so many obfuscation tools in the market ,why doesn't MS make one
himself and let us buy one?
Microsoft protected its source code well,and ignore others?

It's some kind of funny.

MS does ship an obfuscator with VS2003.
MS isn't the only one, Java has exactly the same issue with decompilation of
bytecode. Almost all other interpreted languages are the same (not to imply
that IL itself is interpreted).
The MS .NET framework classes are *not* obfuscated or protected either.

Additionally, just because some code (doesn't matter who makes it) is native
instructions instead of IL, doesn't mean it's protected. Native code *can*
be decompiled too.

Finally, I fail to see how this has anything to do with Open Source.

-Rob Teixeira [MVP]
Yes,I am wrong about Microsoft. Microsoft doesn't want to join Open Source
It lets us join that group. The code of disassembled IL are almost the same
as source code.

The obfuscator with VS2003 alwasys tells me "why only go halfway to protect
your applicaion.Really protect it ,and even improve it! Upgrate to the
professional Edition." every time I start it. So do you still believe that
the obfuscator with VS2003 can "really" protect our application?

The MS .NET framework classes are *not* obfuscated or protected either. Is
there a company that can copy MS or .NET framework classes to a new one? I
think SUN won't copy MS or disassemble .NET framework classes for Java.

Since Java has exactly the same issue, so is it inevitable for .net?

I would appreciate MS if it could provide an option to protect our
application more than halfway.
Neo said:
Yes,I am wrong about Microsoft. Microsoft doesn't want to join Open Source
It lets us join that group. The code of disassembled IL are almost the
as source code.

The obfuscator with VS2003 alwasys tells me "why only go halfway to
your applicaion.Really protect it ,and even improve it! Upgrate to the
professional Edition." every time I start it. So do you still believe that
the obfuscator with VS2003 can "really" protect our application?

Frankly, the only way to "really" protect your application is to never let
anyone have it in the first place.
Frankly, the only way to "really" protect your application is to never
anyone have it in the first place.

Yes, you hit the nail on the head here. That is why web applications is the
only way to fly. Keep your source code on the server, let clients access the
app in a controlled browser environment. Protect the server.

We got to start a movement to get rid of windows forms...
Alvin Bruney said:
Yes, you hit the nail on the head here. That is why web applications is
the only way to fly. Keep your source code on the server, let clients
access the app in a controlled browser environment. Protect the server.
LOL, its too bad web apps are a blight on computing. IMHO, if html and http
had never come to be, the computing world would be *FAR* better.
We got to start a movement to get rid of windows forms...

Death to web applications!

Hell, Death to the web!
Alvin Bruney
Got tidbits? Get it here...
Daniel O'Connell said:
Frankly, the only way to "really" protect your application is to never
let anyone have it in the first place.
Neo said:
It lets us join that group. The code of disassembled IL are almost the same
as source code.

Really? I guess you don't use comments, or useful local variable names

Try decompiling an application with several thousand classes, and
understand it - then say it's the same as having the original source

An obfuscator will make it even harder, of course, but frankly I think
for most apps it's more than is needed.

90% of the .net framework *is* available as source (not only the IL parts,
also the more interesting GC and JIT parts). Google for ROTOR. That's
nothing new: MFC sources came with VC++, too, like ATL/WTL.
But AFAIK an important part of the "open source" philosophy is that anyone
may change the sources as long as he makes his changes public, and, in some
versions, everyting he produces stays open source.
That doesn't apply to sources that come with MS products.
