I have a odd but a known question about listbox. I know listbox
control can provide multi-select, multi-extendend selections. But i
wonder if this selection type belongs to them or it has another
As you may know, in softwares like Windows Media Player or Winamp
playlist has a listbox and it can be selected in 2 types. First type
refers to player's own selection and second selection type can be done
by user to look for items properties or like that. But they're
independent, i mean, one selection can jump to next item being
independent from another selection.
A good example demonstrates this:
In screenshot you'll see that, black selection is player's own
selection has no dependency on second selection(blue).
Shortly, the selection mechanism i want to have is that 2 different-
coloured listboxselections can do what they do independently like in
Is there a way to do the same in .NET's listbox or other 3rd party
I have a odd but a known question about listbox. I know listbox
control can provide multi-select, multi-extendend selections. But i
wonder if this selection type belongs to them or it has another
As you may know, in softwares like Windows Media Player or Winamp
playlist has a listbox and it can be selected in 2 types. First type
refers to player's own selection and second selection type can be done
by user to look for items properties or like that. But they're
independent, i mean, one selection can jump to next item being
independent from another selection.
A good example demonstrates this:
In screenshot you'll see that, black selection is player's own
selection has no dependency on second selection(blue).
Shortly, the selection mechanism i want to have is that 2 different-
coloured listboxselections can do what they do independently like in
Is there a way to do the same in .NET's listbox or other 3rd party