Does Language Matters?

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I am developing an application on my system which has .NET framewor 1.1
(English) installed. Then I am trying to run the same application on my
another system which has .NET 1.1 (German) installed. Now the problem is
there are few operations with decimal nos. I mean (5.0 + 3.6) and so on...
But these operartions are performed as 50+36 as in europe we use ,(comma) to
seperate nos. Now my problem is how can I make my app universal given these

Please help me ASAP...
There are globalization and localization classes in the Framework that will
automatically format numbers, currency, etc. according to a user's settings.
That is where you need to look to have the comma instead of the period, even
if you develop on a machine that has a different language than the machine
you are deploying on. To set an application to a particular country, you set
its current culture to the user's chosen culture. The help file has plenty
of examples.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!
It's likely a problem when you convert text entered by the user to
numbers... How do you do this conversion ?
The problem is not language of the .NET Framework (that only affects to the
language of the exception messages and things like that). The likely problem
is that the machine with the German .NET Framework has its Regional
Settings... in German. In other words, your app will fail also in your
system with the English .NET Framework if you go to the Control Panel,
Regional Settings, and change the location to Germany (or Spain). See:

Developing World-Ready Applications


Best regards,

Carlos J. Quintero

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