Just because of the fact that 20% of the classes implements IDisposable.
(And it are probably the most used)
I'm not sure I know what you're trying to say here?
It is just available, the same as on every control is the Text property and
on even every object the toString method. As well is on every object the
Hashtable. Does that mean in your opinion that you always should use
ToString when using an integer or a double?
These examples you gave have nothing to do with what I was saying
about Dispose. My comments have nothing to do with calling dispose
just because it's there - it has to do calling it because it's purpose
is to clean up resources.
Do you mean typing time or execution time here? If typing time then
I'd say your getting lazy, if execution time I'd wonder how you came
to the conclusion that use Dispose to release resources decreases
Managing the finalizing for you.
If I'm not mistaking, the garbage collector will call the Finalize
method for you, and Finalize usually calls Dispose, and the garbage
collector is only called when it needs to be called (versus being
called whenever an object goes out of scope) right?
' typed in message
private sub Foo()
Dim someObject as IDisposable = new IDisposableObject()
' use someObject
end sub
The someObject has been instantiated and immediately goes out of
scope, marking it for garbage collection. Some time later (maybe
milliseconds maybe minutes maybe longer) the garbage collector is
called. The garbage collector calls someObject's finalize method which
in turn (might) call the Dispose method. If this is true, someObject
will be disposed of only when garbage collected - which might take a
while. The time the object spends in "limbo" between going out of
scope and being finalized and disposed it is just wasting resources.
So by not calling Dispose manually it will take more time before the
object's resources are released right? So why not change the sub to
' typed in message
private sub Foo()
Dim someObject as IDisposable = new IDisposableObject()
' use someObject
end sub
or this:
' typed in message
private sub Foo()
Dim someObject as IDisposable = new IDisposableObject()
Using (someObject)
' use someObject
End Using
end sub
This way at least I know that when the code returns from Dispose that
resources have been cleaned up and I no longer have to wait on the GC
to collect. Also, wouldn't this cause the GC to be use less often
(thus increasing performance) as the GC would need to be called less
Seth Rowe