K Kevin Spencer Dec 14, 2005 #2 No. -- HTH, Kevin Spencer Microsoft MVP ..Net Developer You can lead a fish to a bicycle, but it takes a very long time, and the bicycle has to *want* to change.
No. -- HTH, Kevin Spencer Microsoft MVP ..Net Developer You can lead a fish to a bicycle, but it takes a very long time, and the bicycle has to *want* to change.
M Mike Mueller Dec 15, 2005 #4 Service Control Point- see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/d...publishing_with_service_connection_points.asp message : what is SCP? : : "Manjeet Chawla" <Manjeet (e-mail address removed)> wrote in message : : > Does frontpage support Publishing using SCP ? : :
Service Control Point- see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/d...publishing_with_service_connection_points.asp message : what is SCP? : : "Manjeet Chawla" <Manjeet (e-mail address removed)> wrote in message : : > Does frontpage support Publishing using SCP ? : :