In Summary...
I have a Contact form which has some Combo box fields.
These Combo boxes are fed data from other small tables which have in
most cases, only 1 field. I will call these tables my secondary tables
as they will do nothing except display the data in this one field into
the main Contact form
When I work on the assumption I must have a Primary key for every table,
I try to make this one field a Primary Key field. Unfortunately it does
not allow me, as it will have a Null value. This would be true until I
enter something. So it seems I will not be able to make a Primary Key
with this one field.
Now, if I add another field which is nothing but a Primary Key
(AutoNumber etc), then it is *that* data which is displayed in the
Contact Form Combo box, *not* the data from the field I want.
The tables without a Primary Key work for me, but I don't want to fly in
the face of everything I think I understand, which is every table must
have a Primary Key.
Tried to make this shorter but it made less sense than maybe it does now.
In Summary...
I have a Contact form which has some Combo box fields.
These Combo boxes are fed data from other small tables which have in
most cases, only 1 field. I will call these tables my secondary tables
as they will do nothing except display the data in this one field into
the main Contact form
When I work on the assumption I must have a Primary key for every table,
I try to make this one field a Primary Key field. Unfortunately it does
not allow me, as it will have a Null value. This would be true until I
enter something. So it seems I will not be able to make a Primary Key
with this one field.
Now, if I add another field which is nothing but a Primary Key
(AutoNumber etc), then it is *that* data which is displayed in the
Contact Form Combo box, *not* the data from the field I want.
The tables without a Primary Key work for me, but I don't want to fly in
the face of everything I think I understand, which is every table must
have a Primary Key.
Tried to make this shorter but it made less sense than maybe it does now.