Jim Cooper said:
Although you can run a CF app on a PC if .NET is installed. Looks pretty
weird though.
Timothy, the idea of writing the same app for both a CF device and a PC
is flawed as a concept. A PDA or phone is a completely different sort of
device than a PC, and has different appropriate uses, different usage
patterns, restrictions because of size and difficulty of data entry,
different metaphors for manipulating the UI,...
Write two applications. You can share the business logic if you need to.
Thanks Jim,
I agree that PDAs & PCs have entirely different requirements. If I was to
use the compactframework to create an application for PC, I'd still be
writing a separate and different application for PDA if the PDA option were
profitable/practical. If you think that the compactframework can be used
effectively for PC-only applications, it would be great if I could get some
pointers from you with respect to VB7.NET 2003 Standard Edition...
However, the standard 30Mb .NET framework binary is way too large for
shareware developers targeting the Windows PC market.
Does the .NET framework ship with Windows XP or one of its service packs?
If so, then I can happily migrate to .NET in 2007 because few people under
such circumstances, will need to have the .NET framework bundled with the
shareware.NET they download...
The problems of .NET for shareware developers interms of business logic is
as follows:
1. Costs
Bandwidth = Money: Both in terms of what shareware customers pay their ISP
as well as developers paying for hosting. Shareware.NET requires ten times
the bandwidth of shareware compiled with VB6. To give you some idea, the
typical hosting package in Australia does not provide even enough space for
a SINGLE shareware.NET download, much less the 450Gb monthly bandwidth
necessary just to bring in enough money to cover the capital interest on the
cost of development (100 downloads/sale * 5 mean sales/day * 365/12
days/month * mean download size). Even the big commercial hosting packages
do not anticipate the shear scale of shareware.NET bandwidth use for a
single product - all assuming that there is not another way with .NET
2. Markets
Software is all about making life simpler and not more complicated.
So it is too much to ask the punters (Australian for "customer") if they
don't have the .NET framework to please spend hours downloading it when the
punters really want simplicity, and they want it yesterday!
Thus from the perspective of a shareware developer, a migration to .NET
could undermine both my market share AND the opportunity to operate
profitably at all; IF the issue of overhead cannot be addressed...
Thanks in Advance for any suggestions or answers...