Does C# has an equivalent for Java Swing's html support?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Waterman
  • Start date Start date
Wiktor Zychla said:
what kind of problems are you affraid of?

It seems to be dependend of Internet Explorer, so I have no control about
the existence / right version of this component.

Another problem is that I can't find this Web Browser control in Visual
Studio 2003; it needs to be easy to integrate it in my application.
I read this in VS's help:

The deployment tools in Visual Studio .NET automatically detect dependencies
and add them to the deployment project whenever a project output group,
assembly, or merge module is added to the project. There are, however, some
cases where dependencies cannot be detected.
In order to prevent this problem, you must first determine what type of
dependencies you have and take the appropriate action:
You may be referencing a component that may only be installed as part of
another product - for example, the Web Browser control (shdocvw.dll), which
is installed as a part of Internet Explorer.
In this case, you will need to exclude the component from the deployment
project and you should add a launch condition that checks for the component
on the target computer and prevents the installation if not found. The end
user will need to install the product that provides the component before
installing your application.

Also there seems to be no support for this Web Browser control in VS.

I need a way to put text and images as specified in an XML file on a panel.
Actually a very basic 'html' with just the elements <img> <br> <p> <b> <i>
<br> will suffice.

In Java this is peace of cake.

Thanks for any reply.