Does anyone still use a mousemat?


Feb 23, 2002
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Bit of a random question... but I was looking at what to get printed for another PCR competition at some point and saw that mousemats were available for custom printing.

However, does anyone still use one? I haven't used a mousemat for around a decade (and even then it was one of those solid gaming ones, which were quite useful at the time with optical mice).
Yep, I still use one.

I have a wooden desk and I feel that the mouse runs better on the mat. :)
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2 x Steel Series solid mousemats here, love 'em to bits and wouldn't use anything else.

I think using mousemats as promo or prize items may be a bit passe and probably wouldn't have most folk drooling over them. Not foam or vinyl ones anyway. Pucka gaming mats would attract people but they usually be pricey.
I think using mousemats as promo or prize items may be a bit passe and probably wouldn't have most folk drooling over them.

Yeah, I think you're right on that! I'm genuinely surprised that so many people use mouse mats, perhaps I'm missing out :). My desk does seem to be a bit shinier where I use my mouse :eek:.
Steelseries solid MM ... the foam pad type don't last a week. :)
For the past few years I've used a Razer Sphex mouse mat. Like @nivrip, I feel that the mouse works better than on the bare desktop. :nod:
I've ordered a QCK from Amazon to see what I'm missing :). I thought £9 inc delivery wasn't too bad!
I still use one, the bigger the better. :D

But I do agree with Flops earlier.
My Cyber Snipa glass mat was still giving good service and as soon as I remember which box it is in I will be using it again.

Me I would not turn me nose up at a cheapy promotional mat if it looks similar to this.

