apshawa said:
Lately whenever i log on to my Windows XP home edition I get this
message the windows file etojafoqipofev/dll is missing
Does anyone know what that means? Where can I find that item?
Do I need to reinstall it?
In order:
- It likely means you have/had been infested with malware of some sort.
- You are unlikely - given what it likely means - to *want* to find it.
- You likely (given what you have and what it likely means) to want to
re-install said file.
Download, install, run, update and perform a full scan (separately) with the
following two applications (freeware versions are the ones to use for this):
After performing a full scan with one and then the other and removing
whatever they both find completely, you may uninstall these products,
if you wish.
Start button --> RUN and type in:
%SystemRoot%\system32\net stop wuauserv
--> Click OK.
Start button --> RUN and type in:
%SystemRoot%\system32\regsvr32 %SystemRoot%\system32\wups2.dll
--> Click OK.
Start button --> RUN and type in:
%SystemRoot%\system32\net start wuauserv
--> Click OK.
Download the latest version of the Windows Update agent from here (x86):
.... and save it to the root of your C:\ drive. After saving it to the root
of the C:\ drive, do the following:
Close all Internet Explorer windows and other applications.
Start button --> RUN and type in:
%SystemDrive%\windowsupdateagent30-x86.exe /WUFORCE
--> Click OK.
(If asked, select "Run.) --> Click on NEXT --> Select "I agree" and click on
NEXT --> When it finishes installing, click on "Finish"...
Download/Install the latest Windows Installer:
Download/install and run/clean up with "CCleaner"... (SLIM)
Come back - let us know how things went - there may be another step or two
for you to try.