does anyone help me for this query??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jason
  • Start date Start date


I want to have an insert statement, after this insert statement, I want to
get back the return value of the primary key ar??
I don't want to requery the select statement, any method I can do that??
Jet doesn't provide that information back to you.

You can use the AddNew method (DAO), to get the new p.k. value:

With rs
!SomeField = SomeValue
!AnotherField = AnotherValue

'Make the new record the current one.
.Bookmark = .LastModified
MsgBox "The new ID value is " & !ID
End With

Allen Browne said:
Jet doesn't provide that information back to you.

You can use the AddNew method (DAO), to get the new p.k. value:

With rs
!SomeField = SomeValue
!AnotherField = AnotherValue

'Make the new record the current one.
.Bookmark = .LastModified
MsgBox "The new ID value is " & !ID
End With
this method works for me.

Private Function Process_Db_Command(StrSQlCommand As String)
On Error GoTo Unable_To_Process

Dim ConDB As Connection
Dim ConRS As ADODB.Recordset

Set ConDB = New Connection
ConDB.CursorLocation = adUseServer
ConDB.Open modStartUp.GlobalData.Get_SQL_Provider & App.Path &

Set ConRS = New Recordset

ConRS.Open StrSQlCommand, ConDB, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic


ConDB.Execute StrSQlCommand

If Left(StrSQlCommand, 6) = "SELECT" _
or left(StrSQLCommand,6) = "INSERT" Then
strPassName = ConRS.Fields("RecipientName").Value
strPassLetter = ConRS.Fields("LetterFileSent").Value
If IsNull(ConRS.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value) = True Then
ConRS.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value = 0
End If
dblPassCount = ConRS.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value
End If

ConRS.UpdateBatch adAffectAllChapters


Set ConRS = Nothing
Set ConDB = Nothing

Process_Db_Command = 0

Exit Function
Hi Allen,
The new ID is available as soon as you use .AddNew. At least it's always
worked for me.

With rs
msgbox "The new ID value is " & !ID
!SomeField = SomeValue
!AnotherField = AnotherValue
End With