Does anyone else think Word 2007 sucks as much as I do?

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I can't find anything! The dashboard is in the backseat and the ignition is
on the hubcap. Most importantly WHERE IS HELP!!!!!!!!! We didn't get any
manuals and I can't accomplish the most simple tasks. Before all I had to do
was hit the help button and ask a question. Eventually I could figure it out.
Is it gone completely? Hidden? HELP!!!!!

I can't wait to try Excel.
It sucks as much as you do?

:I can't find anything! The dashboard is in the backseat and the ignition is
: on the hubcap. Most importantly WHERE IS HELP!!!!!!!!! We didn't get any
: manuals and I can't accomplish the most simple tasks. Before all I had to
: was hit the help button and ask a question. Eventually I could figure it
: Is it gone completely? Hidden? HELP!!!!!
: I can't wait to try Excel.
Perhaps you will be less unhappy with Word 2007 after you have become used
to the changes. I even quite like some of them. However, I still have not
found replacements for a couple of facilities I used quite a lot.

Up on the far right top of the screen, you will see a small, little-bitty
question mark. Click on that to access the help system.

Re trying Excel, sarcasm detected and frustration noted.

You might want to try to avoid ambiguities such as your subject for this
message exemplifies. ;-)

MSMVP 1998-2007
To Help you with your transition - Microsoft did provide some Online
reference tools. The one I like the most is where you see a screen with
Word 2003 toolbars and menus, you click the appropriate menu and select
the appropriate submenu and the screen changes to Word 2007 and shows
you where that command is located...

For Word:

For Excel:

Hope that helps you get through your learning curve a little easier.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies and questions
to the newsgroup so that others can learn as well.

I can't find anything! The dashboard is in the backseat and the ignition is
on the hubcap. Most importantly WHERE IS HELP!!!!!!!!! We didn't get any
manuals and I can't accomplish the most simple tasks. Before all I had to do
was hit the help button and ask a question. Eventually I could figure it out.
Is it gone completely? Hidden? HELP!!!!!

I can't wait to try Excel.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
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12/17/2007 2:13 PM
You're suffering from cultural-shock syndrome. We've all been there: some of
us were stuck there for a very long time. But there is light at the end of
the tunnel.

Scream. Take a deep breath and then try some of the old shortcuts from your
previous version. ALt+F and F1 will be most useful.
JoAnn Paules said:
Help is always just an F1 away.

Context sensitive help used to be just an F1 away... in the good old times.
Today, F1 helps those that already know what to search for, nobody else.

:-( Klaus
MSLOST said:
I can't find anything! The dashboard is in the backseat and the ignition is
on the hubcap. Most importantly WHERE IS HELP!!!!!!!!! We didn't get any
manuals and I can't accomplish the most simple tasks. Before all I had to do
was hit the help button and ask a question. Eventually I could figure it out.
Is it gone completely? Hidden? HELP!!!!!

I can't wait to try Excel.
It is truely a shame that the MS company has forgotten the main, singular,
numero uno rule of productivity. That which you know, is to be built upon.

This is a major rewrite, when none of us really needs a major rewrite. Word
is already the worst offender in the bloated software category. Now it is
utterly ruined by someones idea of a better mousetrap.

Ever go to a hardware store to actually buy a mousetrap? "Better" mousetraps
are outsold like 20 to 1 by the ole standby.

What is the true cost to american business in relearning crap that should be
already learned? ie Word and the operating system. If someone can show me one
reason for a trillion dollar relearning curve, I'll change my tune.

But they can't. The problem is not that Word Seven sucks. It doesnt. But you
gotta invest WAAAAYYY to much in it just to type a stupid letter and put in
some header info. And BTW, you better start it from 2007 scratch, since the
format is different too. Gaud, this is an anti american plot.
Help? There's a MINISCULE question mark in the top right corner just under
the Close X. I can't believe that you missed it. <g>

I have solved my Word 2007 learning curve problem.
The circular file is a wonderful thing.
I have reinstalled 2003 all is right with the world.
I use Word to be productive not to prove I can solve the latest software
Change just to change is never a good idea.
With trash like Vista and Office 2007 maybe Mac can finally take over market
share from PC.
An enormous productivity-destroyer for Earth

Everyone on Earth already knows how to use prior versions of Word. Why should we be forced to re-learn what we already know how to do, just to adopt someone's cocksure idea of a bizarre new interface that relocates, hides, or in some cases even lacks the features we have all come to use and depend upon?

Our IT dept. has been driving our company crazy, upgrading some users to Office 2007 without any training in the middle of our busiest rush season, while leaving others at the 2003 level. This guarantees chaos in the work place, causing unnecessary confusion, and prevents experienced 2003 users from helping their upgraded colleagues. What a wonderful step forward, as every task takes hours longer while we all grope around trying to make sense of the new interface The semi-useful menu translation utility (available at often takes us only half way to the 2003 command we are seeking.

It's all so senseless; if Microsoft could create this utility, why didn't they just provide an option to use either the new or the old interface?

The only bright side is that in a few years, the geniuses who came up with this idea will themselves be driven nuts by a new group of younger geniuses who will do the same thing to them. I relish the thought.
It doesn't suck as much as you think it does. It sucks more.

Dealing with the ribbon is one thing. Even a monkey can learn what button to push. The ribbon is just a matter of time. However, things that you could do with one click now take two or three.

It absolutely refuses to import all of my macros from 2003 and the loss of any toolbar and icon customization is a complete deal breaker. It was designed for the most basic of users and they left their power users holding a pig's ear. I can't keep my macros on the screen. It's always two clicks to get to them.

Basically each tab of the ribbon is equivalent to a toolbar. You used to be able to keep a number of toolbars open. Now it's only one. It's frustrating. I know where everything is now, but it still takes multiple clicks to get to what i need. Productivity is down and frustration is up. I hope they fix it soon, but I'm not holding my breath.
I don't think you suck. But I agree about Word 2007. I'm just starting with it - late to the frustration party - and am seething over the so-called help. Utter junk! What are the big brains at MS thinking?

I need to change an number format so I can have 2 decimals to display a currency amount. I have tried searching for help but there is NO ANSWER that I can find. Just a lot of courses or vids I have to sit through to find the answer to a simple question. I wish I wasn't stuck with this program.

Can anyone tell me how to change a number display format in a Word 2007 document? (I can't believe I'm here begging for help.)

Thank you!

MSLOST said:
I can't find anything! The dashboard is in the backseat and the ignition is
on the hubcap. Most importantly WHERE IS HELP!!!!!!!!! We didn't get any
manuals and I can't accomplish the most simple tasks. Before all I had to do
was hit the help button and ask a question. Eventually I could figure it out.
Is it gone completely? Hidden? HELP!!!!!

I can't wait to try Excel.

I am a software engineer for over 15 years. I am really amazed at how badly Microsoft has screwed up with Word 2007. This is not "culture shock". This is an extremely counter-intuitive, poorly designed interface. Maybe people new to desktop publishing won't be as bothered but even the less experienced people I have talked to aren't very happy with it. I've been impressed in the past with Microsoft's products. Yeah, they had problems but one's that I considered part of the evolutionary development process. The previous products at least were decent attempts to create something useful. I don't know what happened but I would think this would really open the door wider for their competitors. Hopefully, Microsoft has regrouped (put someone else in charge of their user interface development) and will quickly come out with a new version that will resolve a lot of the issues so we can just pretend this never happened...
I learned to type on an old manual typewriter and made the transition to and through all the various stages of typing/processing documents. I almost never use the mouse and by using keyboard shortcuts I can complete documents, whether on Word, Excel or PPT, at lightning speed which saved hours and hours of work and unnecessary hand movements to have a mouse do what I can do on a keyboard even faster. Why someone had to go and literally DUMB DOWN what was a superspeed way to process documents is beyond me. Aren't there others out there who find that going back to the mouse and not having access to keyboard shortcuts is utterly insane? If we stopped buying into their "new and improved", it would send a message to Microsoft that your FIRST PRIORITY should not be to YOUR bottom line but to maintaining and IMPROVING your reputation among the millions of professionals who have to USE your software to keep their job! Try working for lawyers and see what a grind it has become to get documents out now. Bring back the toolbars and shortcuts PLEASE!
I too think it sucks. I won it at a automation convention and have spent many aggravating hours Just trying to get the cursor to stop bilinking from arrow to time glass and back every second. Microsoft has been useless.I cant think of a more annoying program I have ever had. I should have taken the screwdriver set instead.
