does anybody know of a good formatting utility (dos/win98) that allows formatting 31/2" floppy disks

  • Thread starter Thread starter frohmund wiedmann
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frohmund wiedmann

does anybody know of a good formatting utility (dos/win98)
that allows formatting 31/2" floppy disks from mac-format to
ibm/fat-format ?

hello you guys and girls,

does anybody know of a good formatting utility (dos/win98)
that allows formatting

31/2" floppy disks

that were first formatted with mac-format

to ibm/fat-format ?

I have such a great number of "old" double-sided floppies,
that I don't want to throw away, but that don't run in my

thanks for any hint!

best greatings from bert out of stuttgart germany
does anybody know of a good formatting utility (dos/win98)
that allows formatting 31/2" floppy disks from mac-format to
ibm/fat-format ?

This may be a dumb question, but have you tried reformatting them in DOS?
DOS shouldn't care if they are formatted for Mac. It should see them as
blank media.
good question, that is! I only thought shortly about it, but
than didn't know, where my latest dos lays about. I will now
look and search and try!!! I think it was novell dr dos
frohmund said:
good question, that is! I only thought shortly about it, but
than didn't know, where my latest dos lays about. I will now
look and search and try!!!

Just do it from Windows


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derek / nul said:
We are only doing a windows format aren't we, if windows tools cannot do that we
are all in trouble.

Not really,Windows can't read or format a Mac disk,except with the
software on the page I mentioned it's called Trans mac I
believe,quite simple.There may be other programs elsewhere.
mister2u said:
Not really,Windows can't read or format a Mac disk,except with the
software on the page I mentioned it's called Trans mac I
believe,quite simple.There may be other programs elsewhere.

You saying Windows can't do a simple thing like format an
unformatted/bulk erased/magnet waved over floppy???????


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Not really,Windows can't read or format a Mac disk,except with the
software on the page I mentioned it's called Trans mac I
believe,quite simple.There may be other programs elsewhere.

I can format any MAC disk, and have done, you must be doing something wrong?
derek / nul said:
I can format any MAC disk, and have done, you must be doing something wrong?
From tutorials
Windows machines don't have built-in Macintosh compatibility, but
third party products can enable Windows users to work with Mac disks.
These software utilities can read Mac CD-ROMs and read and write Mac
floppies, and SCSI drives, including Zip, Syquest, magneto optical and
hard drives. Some of the products allow users of Windows 3.1, Windows
95, and Windows NT to access Mac disks from open dialog boxes, the
Windows Explorer, the My Computer icon, and the ordinary places from
which disks are accessed.
mister2u said:
From tutorials
Windows machines don't have built-in Macintosh compatibility, but
third party products can enable Windows users to work with Mac
These software utilities can read Mac CD-ROMs and read and write Mac
floppies, and SCSI drives, including Zip, Syquest, magneto optical
hard drives. Some of the products allow users of Windows 3.1,
Windows 95, and Windows NT to access Mac disks from open dialog
boxes, the
Windows Explorer, the My Computer icon, and the ordinary places from
which disks are accessed.

That's talking about *using* Mac formatted media on a PC not
formatting a "Mac" floppy. Truth be told, a floppy is a floppy is a
floppy...the only differenced between one for MAC and PC is the *way*
it is formatted and that is a function of the format program.


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