Does anybody know of a DOS CGA PDF viewer?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Clint Olson
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Clint Olson

My brother is using an HP 200LX palmtop, which runs DOS 5.0 in CGA.
He already uses it to read text books from Gutenburg, as well as
Microsoft Reader files (converted to text, of course). Does anybody
know of a PDF reader that will work in DOS, in CGA? Or,
alternatively, does anybody know of a program that can easily convert
a PDF to text? I've tried using Adobe's email service (link below),
but have never gotten anything back.

Adobe Accessibility PDF2TXT:

Convert LIT:

TIA for your help!

Clint Olson
co-n-co at mochamail dot com
Clint said:
Does anybody know of a PDF reader that will work in DOS, in CGA?

Oh well, there was a DOS version of the Acrobat Reader, so I am not sure
if it is still available from Adobe. If you are interested and do not
find it elsewhere, mail me, I think I still have it on CD.
does anybody know of a program that can easily convert a PDF to text?

There are a lot of programs to convert PDF2HTML, so there should be
PDF2TXT (or PDF2ASCII) converters, too.


Adobe Acrobat Reader v5 will allow to export a PDF to text. Of course this
would have to be done prior to the file going to his PC. This may not be
what your looking for.

On that special day, Onno Tasler, ([email protected]) said...
Oh well, there was a DOS version of the Acrobat Reader, so I am not sure
if it is still available from Adobe.

I tried it once, I think it was in 1994. Very crappy. It didn't even
work when trying to use the navigation tools.

Gabriele Neukam

(e-mail address removed)