Does and object exist?

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How do you determine whether an object exists on a form?

I wrote some code that sets BackColor on the form footer - then I
created a form that doesn't have a footer. Now I get an error when I try
to open the form. I'd like to put it in an IF, but I don't know how to
determine if the footer exists.

Just refer to:
and use error handling to trap error 2462.
I wound up just creating a header/footer and giving them no size. End of
problem. I'm still curious as to whether there's any way to determine
whether an object exists. I tried the IsObject method, but that's not it...

If an object is a member of a collection, you can loop through the items in
the collection comparing the name of each item to the name of the object
you're looking for ...

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If ctl.Name = strTheNameLookedFor Then
boolFoundIt = True
Exit For
End If
Next ctl

Unfortunately, form and report sections don't appear to be members of any
exposed collection. So yes, you can determine whether *most* types of
objects exist, but there doesn't seem to be any way to determine whether a
section exists other than attempting to assign a reference to the section
and trapping the error, as Allen suggests.

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

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ARGH!! Ok - well, I appreciate the explanation. Funny, though, that it
should be a separate object in terms of having its own set of
properties, but not as an actual control...

Thanks to you both,

Yes, I rather thought that sections where members of the Controls collection
myself, but a quick test proved otherwise - I looped through the Controls
collection of a form, debug printing the name of each control, and the names
of the sections were not included.

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

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