Does AmoK Playlist Copy contain trojans/spyware?

Jan 1, 2011
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I kinda trust this program; It does it's job, is from supposedly the official site (, and I'm not really one to point the finger, but MalwareBytes picks this thing up as two instances of malware :

amokplaylistcopy.exe is supposedly "Spyware.Banker"
playlist_commandline.exe is supposedly Trojan.Dropper.PGen

I've Googled this, but you know what AV companies are like; Like doctors, everything's this or that or this, and nothing's for certain; So I'd like to hear your input, or tests, if you can do.

If it is a dodgy program, can anyone reccommend a safe (and free) program to copy my music in my Winamp playlists to folders?

Probably a false positive and if everything's running ok I wouldn't worry about it.

Is this within Windows or Linux? (Actually, does Malwarebytes run in Linux?)

A couple of days ago Avast Antivirus saw the latest Nvidia graphics drivers as Malware on one of my machines so figure that one out...
Cheers for the reply.

It's on Windows Vista, I'm not sure if MalwareBytes runs on
Linux 'coz I gave up on Linux when my graphics card wouldn't
work on it :p

Usually I don't worry about malware if everything seems to be
running ok, but I end up with trojans sitting in the background
with payloads; And they pop up just when I least want them
(example - the day after Christmas).
I'm trying to deduct what's causing them.

(BTW, if you notice I've started a new line every few words,
it's 'cause I've just reformatted and haven't installed my
graphic's drivers yet)