If you have your heart set on a Prescott, I would wait for the next
stepping - I would expect that intel is working hard to get the power
dissipation down.
To be honest, it's been hard to choose between :
* changing the XP 2000+ for an XP 2800+ and still use my MSI KT4V board
* changing the processor to a 2.8 Prescott and the board to the better of
the MSI 865 PEs
* changing the processor to the Athlon 64 3000+ and the board to
something suitable - not sure which
I want to be ready for Doom III and Half Life 2. I know I could wait but
the prices are so cool right now (and yes, I understand that they may go
down before the games are released).
The first option would require me to swap out my 768MB DDR 2100 for a 512MB
DDR 3200 but for the same price as the second option I could also replace my
64MB Leadtek TI4200 with a 256MB Sapphire 9600XT. I guess that I would end
up with a more rounded system that way. The benchmarks on Anandtech / Tom's
are not that helpful as the results are just not clear cut. The thought of
the 800 MHz FSB and the chance to use the dual channel capability combined
with what I understand is the P4's ability to shift the data to and from RAM
so efficiently are also appealing.
Even as a long term AMD user, the Athlon XP 2800+ sounds like the poor
relation to the P4 2.8.
Any thoughts, anyone ?