Y Ye Aug 5, 2004 #1 I want to select names from tableA not from tableB. But I couldn't use MINUS in query in Access. What can I do? Thanks,
I want to select names from tableA not from tableB. But I couldn't use MINUS in query in Access. What can I do? Thanks,
I Ilan Aug 5, 2004 #2 why not have the query just pull info from "table A" minus is an SQL reserved word i believe, atleast the "-" is. --Just make table a the source for the query Ilan
why not have the query just pull info from "table A" minus is an SQL reserved word i believe, atleast the "-" is. --Just make table a the source for the query Ilan
D Douglas J. Steele Aug 5, 2004 #3 SELECT Field1, Field2 FROM TableA LEFT JOIN TableB ON TableA.Id = TableB.Id WHERE TableB.Id IS NULL
J John Spencer (MVP) Aug 6, 2004 #4 Try using the unmatch query wizard to build the query. Perhaps something like the following will give you a start. SELECT A.Names FROM TableA as A Left Join TableB as B
Try using the unmatch query wizard to build the query. Perhaps something like the following will give you a start. SELECT A.Names FROM TableA as A Left Join TableB as B