Does Access have "can grow" field format like Crystal Reports?



I have a data field ODBC linked to Access that has data in multiple lines of
text. It all belongs as one entry to that field. Eg as below.
This added test/s
cannot be performed
as the specimen/s are
By changing the field format to "Can Grow" in Crystal reports, all data
lines are retrieved.
Access only retrieves the first line, "RED CELL FOLATE"
Is there a setting I can change to allow Access to get all the data. Thanks
heaps for your help!!

John W. Vinson

Access only retrieves the first line, "RED CELL FOLATE"
Is there a setting I can change to allow Access to get all the data. Thanks
heaps for your help!!

I'd suggest using a Form to display your data, not the table datasheet. Tables
are designed for data storage, not for data display, data entry, or editing.

On the Form you can make a textbox as large as you like (well, up to the
22"x22" limit on the size of a form <g>), include scrollbars for when the text
is too big, etc.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

John Spencer

Since you are talking about Crystal reports, I would mention that controls
on Access reports have a Can Grow and Can Shrink property.

In the query all the data is probably there, it is just hidden because the
query will only show the first line UNLESS you change the row height to show
more than one line. If you put the cursor in the field of the query and
press the down arrow, you will probably see the next line.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County


Thanks John,

Exactly right. the data is there.

Thanks from Sunny Brisbane in Australia!!

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