I have a PC that had a really annoying whining noise coming from a fan
inside the CPU case. I ignored it and eventually it stopped. However, after
a while my monitor started playing up and gradually it got worse to the
stage where it was almost impossible to view anything properly on screen.
Opened the case up and realised the video card fan was bust so assumed the
video card (GeForce 32mb) had died because it was overheating each time I
was using the PC. Didn't need anything brilliant for my PC so bought a
GeForce 64mb card off ebay for £10. Works perfectly fine, but the thing I'm
concerned about is should it have a fan to cool the chip down? There is a
slot for the fan but no fan came with the card, althought the heatsink is
considerably bigger than the previous one.
Hopefully someone can advise me, and maybe tell me where I can get a fan
that is 4.5cm x 4.5cm if I do need one to avoid the same overheating problem
happening again.
I have a PC that had a really annoying whining noise coming from a fan
inside the CPU case. I ignored it and eventually it stopped. However, after
a while my monitor started playing up and gradually it got worse to the
stage where it was almost impossible to view anything properly on screen.
Opened the case up and realised the video card fan was bust so assumed the
video card (GeForce 32mb) had died because it was overheating each time I
was using the PC. Didn't need anything brilliant for my PC so bought a
GeForce 64mb card off ebay for £10. Works perfectly fine, but the thing I'm
concerned about is should it have a fan to cool the chip down? There is a
slot for the fan but no fan came with the card, althought the heatsink is
considerably bigger than the previous one.
Hopefully someone can advise me, and maybe tell me where I can get a fan
that is 4.5cm x 4.5cm if I do need one to avoid the same overheating problem
happening again.